
Online Photography Work?

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Online Photography Work?

My take on this is: Working online by editing photos, photo layouts, photo script writing and photo enhancement.  

A few days ago I responded to an ad that says 'Online Photography Work' and it involves taking pictures of yourself in different poses and attires with a blank white background and submitting it online before getting paid.  
Is this a scam or something? Is this something you would do?


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By submitting the picture of you, you might be taking risks. I do not trust this kind of work. In order to find out whether the work is legitimate or not, you need to check what they will do with your photo. I have heard of a similar online earning program in the past, however, I do not know of anyone who had earned by submitting his/her own photo.

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There's not too much of a risk if the pictures are normal and not risque. But like you said, I think the OP should take extra care before doing this because it won't be too difficult for these pictures to be photoshopped and then you may be blackmailed into paying them so that they don't realise those images.

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The virtual world is as dangerous as the real work. However, many people believe that there is no problem in sharing personal information or the picture of them or their loved ones in the virtual world. You should always be careful about what you share. By sharing everything about you, you are at the risk of scammers, blackmailers and the likes.

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"By submitting the picture of you, you might be taking risks."

I agree with this sentiment. People can use their images for all sorts of shady things. It is more than likely someone looking to use images of people for stock photography, but this is the internet after all, and you never know where those images are going to end up. When it comes to shady use of such images, at best they could be used for cat fishing people, and at worst…illegal stuff. It's highly likely I'm just being paranoid, but I know that I wouldn't really do something like this, as it is probably just a onetime gig anyway.

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As a writer, I share my photography with my online articles. Since I am also a hobbyist photographer, I liked to showcase my photography with my online articles. Once I wrote an article about marriage tradition and shared pictures from my sister's wedding. One day discovered that the photos were stolen by a person and posted on his blog.
Anything you share online will put you under the risk.

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Totally agree. You never know what kind of person will be getting your pictures, and more important, what he will do with them. I know this may sounds paranoid, but honestly I've read, seen, heard, so many bad ending stories, that I rather not to take that risk. I'm really sorry for professionals that want to work like this, I'm sure they have the best intention by fixing your pictures, but nowadays we have to try to get minimal risks as possible.

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I guess it's good to do some research and read more reviews about the job. Though I don't know anything about the job and the company, I just don't feel comfortable by uploading my pictures and even in different poses and attires for doing jobs like this. Since the job is about working on the photos, why should we upload our photos but not showing our photo editing skills? By showing the photos with different poses and attires, I would think it might be verifying if we are good in modeling.

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I know a legit app to earn money from photography. Try the Foap app. Upload your pics and sell it. It's legit because I saw some proof of payments coming from some users. I just don't know how much the minimum price per picture, but it's legit.

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Honestly there is no guarantee here that you're not going to be scammed, especially if this offer isn't from a reputable source. I personally wouldn't waste my time with it unless you can get more information, as I get the gut feeling that this source might just want to scam you into providing stock photographs for them. If I were you, I wouldn't work for anyone that doesn't have even a moderate online presence/reputation.

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Yep, thats what I t thought, I won't get any money from doing it. But I can't help thinking, what are they going to do with my pictures? A friend told me that their going to use it in making fake social media accounts.

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I don't trust work that involves sending pictures of yourself. they may be looking to use your pictures for various purposes which you may not approve of in the first place. This requires a documented contract or something written in paper so your image does not become their property.

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We really need to be sure of things that we are getting ourselves into before we do so and that involves doing something like this which can be really risky. That you willingly submit your picture on such site doesn't mean you might not get into trouble in the future and this is the reason I warn my friends to be careful.

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There is nothing wrong with uploading ones pictures online as long as the pictures aren't any thing that depict bad image. Also, it's not a must that the pictures to be uploaded would be personal pictures of the person. It can be anything which you have interest in. Personally, I love rock and mountain pictures, so if I'm looking at uploading pictures, those would be my focus.

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There is tons of legit online photography work to be had, you just need to look in the right places. Not everything is 'on the up and up,' so to speak. But you can easily find photography work for indie models, small business, etc.

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You said there are tons of these online websites one have photos converted into money, I only know about Shutterstock but it's paying scheme is very low for me to use it or recommend it to anyone. I would like for you to give me any other one I might look into and see how things are done with it.


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It's not a scam, I have seen several websites online that pays for photos/pictures uploaded to it but the catch there is that before you get paid, your pictures must be downloaded by another user from the site. Check out Shutterstock, you will find out what I'm trying to say. Although high competition makes earning from the site very small.

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The Shutterstock is a great site for photographer, I read about the reviews and said it's legit. It's great site actually, But I think you really need the photography skills to earn from that site. There an application like foap where where you can sell your photos, just be creative and unique and I'm sure someone will buy your photos even you're not using the DSLR camera

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You are absolutely right about saying that Shutterstock is a legit site for online photography sales. I have seen several testimonials from people who sold few picture collections of theirs, although the sales doesn't come easy but it definitely comes.

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After researching for a week on photography sites which you could earn from, I'm now concluding that there's no such site. Due to high traffic in photography earning sites the competition is very very steep and if you do the math you'll come up with a very slim chance of making an insignificant sum. All adverts of these sites are just to hype it up but their structure won't let you earn.

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If you're running your portfolios through stock photography sites in the hopes of making money that way, it's just important to have as many photos in your portfolio as possible. I've found that the more photos you have (of high quality, as well), the more likely you are to sell your stuff.

It's also important to do some research on the site and see if there are any niches that don't have many photos. If you can secure a corner with content that is unique and marketable, you can probably find yourself making some good money on the side through stock photos.

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The first thing you do is try to search for that site. If there are good reviews then its fine but you should have conduct more research about the company site and if there are a lot of bad reviews then don't apply.I think before you take an action also, you should have contact with your client first or message the owner. You should have ask your owner's id or legal certificates first . You should have also make a contract and pay a down payment before you accept his offer because it might be a scam. Don't you ever enter your personal info about you for example credit/debit card infos because some of sites, they will tell you that they will not use your personal information and you found out a week later that your debit card lost $400 or any amount without any purchase. I already experienced that I really do regret that I put some infos about my debit card and week later I lost $400 in my debit card. Make sure that the sites are legal because a lot of sites here are scam. It might be also used your photos in a porn sites so you'd better careful.

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Yeah, it's best to research anything first when sending your photos online so that it will be used for legitimate and professional purposes, or else you'll find your face on various sites you don't want to be associated to.

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I recently finished a gig from one of the freelancing companies under the Market Research category and I was quite happy doing it. The gig was to to document via photographs and a short video narrating my experience in visiting 3 local fast food branches of an international chain that sells hamburgers. I get to eat free also transportation was inclusive of the fee plus a $3 daily food allowance which is reimbursable upon completion. My fee was just $58 for 3 days work and the locations where far from my place but it was a good experience since I got to use some of my photography skills. So now I know that Market Survey companies do provide some photography gigs / work also.

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That sounds wonderful! I'm glad you were able to find a freelance job that allowed you to use your photography skills and that you enjoyed doing it!

Do you mind if I ask where you found that job? It sounds like something I'd love to try my hand at if I had the opportunity. I assume you're not in the U.S. as well, which probably changes things.

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Hey there you might want to check this app called PREMISE. It pays via PayPal and theres a lot of tasks you can claim which involves photography. Tested it already and it's good. I think it's available in the US.

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Is it only available in US? How much it pay you per task? I think I heard it but I am not quite sure about it so can you tell more about this one?

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Got that job from upwork, under Market Survey category I think. Oh got it, you can find lots of jobs like that in the US under the category of Market Research, there's only a few for Philippines but theres a lot for those residing in the US.

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Wow that deal seems to be a good one. Today, there are lots of opportunities that can be gained from the net. From small to big deals, the choices are limitless. I do love the concept of being able to sell and work online which concerns my interests. Photography is one of those jobs that can be done which also enhancing your skills a a photographer while earning at the same time.

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Taking photos of yourself? That is a bit sketchy. I have heard of a lot of jobs involving photography but I haven't heard of jobs concerning the individual applying for the job as the subject of photography, unless if it is for a modeling gig or something. I would be a bit careful with that. I might do that but I wouldn't be exposing my face or something, just for safety reasons.

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Where did you heard that? I'm now become curious about that, and it's that online? Yeah you're right, It's all about modeling, It's really hard to to give or exposing your face in something specially if it will become the subject of photography, unless if you have a modeling career, and it's that needed your personal appearance or via online?

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I agree with you. It is very suspicious to have an hiring/application like that. You have to be careful as a lot of people are using different images of other people for their own benefit.

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If only there's a platform which can monetize original photos instantly, then photographers would be rich haha. I've searched and looked and tried a lot of sites and apps but to no avail, not a single sale.

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Hey guys I found a new app that pays for photos straight to PayPal. It's available here in the Philippines and ive made $1.50 earlier just by walking to 7/11 and taking a photo of their food rack. The App is called PREMISE. I think it's also available in other countries.

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I never tried this type of work since I have no skills in photography but I am interested to learn everything about it since I saw some successful people in this job and it is really amazing to see how good it is. I think the income that an online photographer acquire is really great that is why some pole are in to this kind of work. It just don't give money but also the happiness and dedication of a certain person.

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I recently joined a new Social Media Site in which you could earn money by posting interesting photos. The site is called Goopag and I haven't really read all the rules yet, but I think it has a lot of promise. You could try it to see if it's good or not.

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Oh, this is my first time knowing about Goopag. I'm curious that I want to check it later. Thank you.

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I'm not too trusting of sites like this. Best not to take unnecessary risks. Just go for legit sites with plenty of honest positive reviews. It would also help to evaluate the information given so that you can avoid getting scammed.

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I feel you too. On one hand, I want to check all those sites and apps, so I can try to earn more money online, but on the other hand, I have my doubts about them, because I don't want to fall into some scam and possibly earning a big problem. Apparently, that site looks like a legit one, so maybe I can give it a try, but if anyone here can suggest real solid sites, already tested ones, please feel free to do suggestions.

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You're welcome. It would just be unfortunate to experience something like that of scam sites. Though, you can test it out if you think it's worth it. Just be careful with the stuff you do there. Hahaha!

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Now you're making me have my doubts again hahaha. Honestly, I've become quite paranoid about what you can find online, maybe because I've had terrible experiences with virus and malware. However, I've been working with sites that give me a low income, and I would like to give a chance to some other options. That's why I keep searching and trying this and that.

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I would do online photography if it has some reviews in the internet. There are some legit apps such as Foap were your pictures are to be sold by them. If your picture were sold, you will have a commission from them. It is a bit inconsistent because it is not everyday that you will have earnings from your pictures.

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Ughm I have tried it seveal times and it is very difficult because you must hild your breath and at the same time you must make that oppurtunity to find a good angle into the subject. In my research there are some sites and apps that buys picture that's why having a good picture will be a profit.

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It's a sweet gig if you just have to edit some photos for someone. It's relatively easy work. But taking photos of yourself in different attires is somehow fishy. I get if they want a scan of a valid ID you own. Most independent online shopping sites in my country require you to scan your IDs and submit it to them. If you look at it from their perspective, they need to verify you're a legit person too. Not just them.

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I am not a photographer nor did have an experience in online job as a photographer. However, one of my friends is a freelance photographer and he has an online photography gallery. He doesn't have much client in that site, but he does well.

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Well, I am not a professional photographer and I certainly am not very good at photo editing. Photography is just one of my favourite hobbies. Professional photographers definitely have a lot of well-paid jobs to do online. with some experience, you can earn well for your photography jobs and editing skills. I don't think that clicking your pics in different poses doing things is such a great idea because you never know for what purpose these personal pics will be used.

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I think submitting pictures if yourself in different pose is a big risk. I think there is a big possibility where the photos that you submitted might be used for something not good.

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