
How to use business cards to build your digital art business

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How to use business cards to build your digital art business

In cases of business cards, they're better to have and not need than to need and not have if you know what I mean! And if you're a freelancer or an affiliate marketer especially! Because you can do some clever things with them. Like you can put QR codes on them so people can scan them on their phone using a QR reader and that can even be an affiliate link! And bang! They are automatically redirected to here using your affiliate link without even knowing it! How to use business cards to build your digital art business

So you could work these into conversations as well. With work colleagues, friends or even random people in shops, restaurants, bars and pubs and clubs etc. Where you hear someone talking about needing articles written for them or something. And then you could just give them your card with your website details on it and that QR code and tell them to scan it for a "goody" lol

You could tell them that the goody would be $5 free spending cash in the form of a redeemable coupon code so they can "try it out for free". And most people would go for that! Actually, that's a bloody good idea!

And you could spark up conversations with shop owners, local businesses etc. They usually have marketing campaigns running and need content writing services, so you could spark up convo's with them and give them your business card. Again, with the QR code on it. And just your website link as not everyone has a phone that can install a QR reader or just don't know how to lol. How to use business cards to build your digital art business


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You make a great point Mike. I don't think it can be stressed enough when it comes to business cards that it's better to have and not need than to need and not have. Almost every single gig I've gone to, I've had at least one person approach me and ask for a business card because they're looking for services similar to mine. Business cards are so inexpensive anyway, it wouldn't hurt at all to load up on as many as you can in preparation for future jobs.

A lot of local business in my city are about supporting other local businesses too, and they have bulletin boards dedicated for people to pin their business cards up. It's something to keep in mind that you may be able to pin them up in some public locations, too.

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Good points here, as usual, articulate one. I think you are so right that it is better to have them on hand than to be lacking. Even the local bulletin boards at the library, grocery stores, government agencies, etc. have business cards tacked up on them to advertise for a number of goods and services. I live in a small town, so you can really network this way and find nearby reliable people who you can support and give your business to in the community near you.

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Thank you! I've been in situations where I've given out all of my business cards and don't order enough before the next video gig I do. Several times I've been approached by people and have had to tell them that I didn't have business cards, and their expressions usually say everything. I hate getting that look of, "you're a businessman and you don't have business cards on you?"

My discomfort in those situations is why I've started making a better effort of having business cards on hand at all times.

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Business Cards are an invaluable tool for marketing and because of new technologies QR codes can be imbedded into it. There are also E-Business Cards which a person can message or email. I guess it's time for old business cards to evolve.

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I like that OP has mentioned the use of QR code. This is not being done enough by digital businesses in my opinion. As for business cards, this is important to be designed well to provide a good first impression to the potential clients.

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That is a great way to become professional as a business owner on the internet for it will go a long way in building a good relationship at the end.

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To be honest with you, I haven't used this QR code or know exactly how it's set up and I would really love to have a test trial much worse artist. I would appreciate it if you could be a little bit able to show signs of explanation as with regards to topic.

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Yeah, the use of QR code is quite nice. I have seen some of these cards that have the code on them and I was surprised by how well it all works. It is sort of a modernized feature of the old and classic business cards.

I still remember when my father had his own construction business which was over 20 years ago, he used business cards. It increased his client's list by a lot!

You just always have to be very unique and make them attractive.

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I have admit that this QR code is something new to me in the sense that one could have played that trick on me without my knowledge. It's good to know such things too.

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It depends on the how you use them too. Nowadays, technology has made a modern version of regular business cards, and that's through QR codes. So, you can have a way to make yourself and your business reachable, no matter the device you're using. You can send them online, you can share them on social media, or you can just stamp your usual business card in any board. It's part of what is called globalization.

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Yeah, the importance of business cards can not be over emphasized, it is important in any business, In this period of digitization, one may surmise that a business truck is an outdated method for promoting. In any case, that can’t be further far from reality. Displaying somebody your business card is an individual thing and a correspondence between two people that can assist
assemble a strong initial introduction from only a solitary bit of fantastic paper.Since the business card is in a way a representation of yourself.

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I think you're right on the need for one to have a business card at this stage of one's business. Understanding what we have in the current world and the need to have a digital business card is really important.

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QR codes are a really good idea but other than iPhone users, do people really have a QR reader on their phone? And even with iPhone users if they were able to I'm sure they would uninstall the QR reader from their phone if they could. It's a great idea but I think that people just don't bother using them. I like the idea of offering them a free goodie if they scan the QR goodie. I mean, everyone loves a discount or a good freebie so it would incline them to scan the QR freebie

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I currently work with business card prints and even I was surprised at how much I was selling, since I always assumed that people nowadays wouldn't really rely all that much on physical prints anymore. I agree that it does still provide a lot in terms of providing a topic of conversation and also could give a good first impression or at least convey the message of your company in a very simple and easy way, not to mention that it's also cheap.

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I am pleased to read your post here. I am surprised that people still do consider business cards important and that they still use them in this manner. You would think everything had gone totally virtual, but I guess we still have some analog and organic customs still intact. I think handing someone a business card in person shows that you take your business seriously and I think it definitely makes a good impression.

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It's very true what you just mentioned about some people still being old school and still interested in using a business cards as a means of contact for a business deal relationship. There set of people are very hard to convince otherwise because it's their duty. Personally, I make use of both as they serve me perfectly well, so therefore I wouldn't be open to dropping one.

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