
Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?

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Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?

I was just wondering. Do people still keep physical copies of their photos anymore? Or has everyone gone digital at this point?

I can only remember a few times I had my photos printed. One particular event was when I wanted to give out photos of our trip as remembrance to the people who came to the trip. Though a few just snapped a picture with their phone. Kind of like the rides in Disneyland where you can get your photos printed for an insanely ridiculous price.  Majority of the people just snap a pic with their phones and go on their ways. I'm surprised they haven't banned this.

The rest of my photos are stored in my hard drive and in Google Photos. (Free unlimited storage so long as photos are saved in 16 MP)

How about you guys?


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No,unlike before when only cameras can capture photos. Nowadays it doesnt matter the hard copy anymore. As long as your mobile phone has cameras,good camera,you can capture unlimited photos and no need to develop of it in a hard copy.

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You are quite correct as I have noticed that there is no more use for hard copies of pictures unless when we are in the situation where you need them for passports. I have focused on getting most of my photos backed up on cloud mode as well.

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Yeah that is right. It must better to store in the hard drive. Easy to find it and if you need it it is easy to print. Our technology is getting better and for sure years will come more gadgets like high quality cameras to be invented.

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I agree with you. It should be stored in the hard drive. It is easy to find and easy to print it out.

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I guess some of us prefer having hard copies of photographs. But it seems more common to only have digital copies. We only print them if we want a more physical form of the picture. Like something in a photo album.

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Yes. I agree with you. Our mobile phones can be used to take unlimited photos. Let us keep our mobile phones safe and sound more than ever before.

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Most people choose to upload their photos online. So that it's more secure for them in case something happens to their phones. It's nice to have an easy way of printing saved pictures. Phones can now just as easily connect to printers.

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Agree to that, Technology today given us many options, it is up to us whether we will just save it or have a hard copy on it. Before people were push to have a hard copy for them to see how good they were in their photos. They don't have a chance to preview it instantly.

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There is only one problem. The images can all be deleted with a click of s button. There are also times whenwhen the memory is not enough and you need to delete some.

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This situation is where a backup on the cloud comes in handy. As for me, I do have a Google Drive account, and a OneDrive account and I store some of my files and images on there (free of charge). Of course, I also have them saved on my phone to access them easily.

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This is one idea that I will copy. I need to store my images online but do not know how. Your idea is a good one.

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Sure. If you have a Gmail account, you automatically have a Google Drive account. The only thing that you have to do now is sign-in, and you're good to go.

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True, sometimes we delete photos if our meomry is full. So, it is really a good option to print a copy of your photos. Not all tho, but those special photos with special memory.

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you are right, if you have a good phone it will do the work of a camera. But it is still important to print some hard copies for souvenir.

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Exactly. However, I do develop hard copies of photos that are vital or essential, although it is very rare. As a nature lover, my mobile phone has helped me to capture so many photos, and storage is much easier.

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I never really did until I had kids. I really want them to be able to have the experience of looking through photo albums of themselves growing up, much like I had the chance to do when I was a kid. Sure, there are ways to access loads of photos online, but there's something nostalgic to me about hard copy photos and albums!

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Yes. If family memories means a lot to you a hard copies of picutures should be treasure and be kept. A nice way to remember those nostalic memories.

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That is right. It depends to the picture. If the picture is something that has lots of memories then you must print it and keep in the album. The quality of the printed photos nowadays is very low compared before so you must store it in a dry place.

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Our family does keep old photographs and still does printing of photos to this date. I think it is better to have it hard copied. It is true that phones and cameras can store beautiful and memorable pictures but unlike printouts, it is easily deleted or forgotten.

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True, it last longer and can be pass to your future kids ad grandkids.

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Yeah that is the best thing that we could do, to pass and let them see the pictures from the past and remembering the story behind it.

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I agree. However, if you are planning to have it on display, there are digital photo frames available in the market nowadays too. What's impressive is you can alter or change the photo displayed by merely a touch of a button. Cool!

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I agree. Hard copies still is important specially those memorable photos. I like hanging them in my walls at the same time they are also a good decorations. Most of my photos are laminated and are keep for me to watch in the future. It's quite funny to views those and reminisce your past.

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Sometimes I get amused at how much I have changed over the years. One funny thing is how hard II fail torecognize which of my children is which one when they were babies. Hardcopies are good.i

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My son although born during the digital age had experienced the thrill and the nostalgia of flipping through the pages of the photo album. I made him a scrap book from the time he was born. I can see that he appreciated it better than the soft copies we saved. I can really tell the difference. Unfortunately, I already stopped making scrap books. What a pity!

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@chinet23 I did the same for my kids and my daughter is finally at the age where she's interested in flipping through her baby book and seeing pictures of herself when she was tiny. I am really glad that I did that - scrapbooking is a really fun hobby!

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Seeing their baby books can be a really fun experience for them. I wonder why I only got the excitement and time doing scrapbooks when he was a baby. It's because digital photos came handy. They grow up too fast. But I think it's not yet too late if I go back to that hobby again. Thanks for sharing your experience too.

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Yeah that is really nice to keep photos in hard copy. You can able to create a book of memories and let them see when they are growing.

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This melted my heart, it is such a sweet thing to make a scrapbook for your kid.

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Hard-copied photos have a great history. There were times when portraits of great prople wer hung on the wall. Images passed down generation to generation. We do a similar thing.

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Since I was in my teenage years, I enjoy doing scrapbooking. I keep not only hardcopy of pictures but as well as tickets, receipts, etc. that has something to do with the special memory. I still do it now that I am a mom. But not in the same detailed level since it is hard to find time to do it already while doing so many things as well.

What I do is I keep picture files on a hard disk arranged by month per year. Then I choose photos that will represent each month and print them. I put them in an album that says the year. Every time you go back to each album, you will see all the fun memories each year. If you have no time printing them, there are a lot of photo book printing services wherein you can choose the layout online and drag and drop your photos. Just submit when ready and wait for it to be delivered on your doorstep.

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I love that there are so many convenient options for printing these days - those photo books are handy! I also love that there are apps where you can just select pictures from your smartphone to print. Since most of us have our phones with us at all times, it makes it so easy to actually print stuff out rather than having to go to a store.

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When I was younger, I was also fond of making scrapbooks. Nowadays, I seldom have my pictures printed. I just have digital copies and make folders for every particular event.

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Yeah that was good idea. We can keep our photos in usb or other storage where it can be safe. Unlike printing it and keep it in the album there are tendencies that the pictures would fade because of moist and water.

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I also advocate for this. The pictures that are kept in a digital format are easy to keep too since you do not need any basement full of crates and a usb or memory card large enough is sufficient.

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That's true, maintenance hard copies are also very hard because they are prone to damage from environmental factors. Although i still love to have those physical copies. I see to it that i also have my own digital storage. I even have a digital photo frame that acts as a scrapbook or photo album,

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I am sure those scrapbooks are for the school homeworks. Hehe. At the old age, hard copies are meant so much to us like a golden memories. But now It is like just storing in our computer or laptops.

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Me too. I guess technology today has evolved our form of collecting memorabilia. It's much easier to take pictures and keep them store on the internet than a big photo album.

The nice thing is that we can print them anytime we want to. Just make sure to have lots of backup storage. The hard copies can be your backup too.

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We are the same. I really want my things organize so what I do with my pictures I collect them. I even laminate my pictures and save my hard copy tickets or other things that has something special memory for me to treasure.

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Totally love that idea. I used to do scrapbooks when I was a teen, nowadays I tend to save them on hard disks, and once in a while I check on them, because they bring me so many amazing memories. I would like to do quite some job like that, selecting pictures, gathering them by month, but honestly, I don't have time due to my busy job.

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Actually no. Nowadays we use our hard drives to store all our pictures from our camera. It is easier than having a hard copy than can eventually destroy.

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Aww. That is a bit sad. Actually sometimes hard drives can be faulty. You'll never know when your computer or device would get broken or compromised. Another thing, it is also nice to have photos printed because even though it can easily be damaged, it is nicer to reminisce with special photos that anyone can see.

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I think so too. Soft copy can be deleted, and hard drives could be broken. Keeping hard copy of photos is still a YES for me.

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Good idea then. Whatever we do is both important. Keeping the memories is one of the best thing and we should do. Time will past and we both become old but the memories stays there forever.

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I do agree with you on that. It happened to me several times already. There's this one time when my photos saved in one of my hard drives got deleted because of a virus. And there's a time when my USB drive got corrupted and again I lost my photos. The last time I lost 2 years worth of photos is when I lost my smartphone where a lot of photos are saved. It's a good thing that I've uploaded a lot of it in Facebook.

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I definity acknowledge the importance of having a place where one can keep easily visible photos. I am never an advocate however for having numerous pictures in hard copy format. To avoid damage during hard disk and other storage media spoilage it is wiser to do online backup.

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Photography is my passion. I love taking pictures even the most nonsense things for some, but for me they are wonderful because I can find beauty in them. Since I have started taking pictures, digital and phone cameras were not existing yet, I had been using a camera that needed a film. I always make sure that when the film is full, I go directly to the photo shop and print the film. I keep all the printed pictures on my photo album and keep the negatives in my cabinet. Honestly, I have plenty of it, mostly Fuji films because it was one of the most famous films way back then. Now, even the technology is more advanced, I still do the same. Though there are no films available in photo shops, I still keep the pictures on my flash drive, and print the copies of the pictures. I now have more than 70+ photo albums from the day I started taking photos until now.

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I really like to print out pictures that I like. Now a days good pictures are more easier to achieve. Unlike before when one need to take a photo, one must invest on professional photography or a camera and film. Now , even smart phones give you the ability to take photos and choose the best picture to print out. I do choose the best ones to print out or to be developed professionally.

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I agree. Instead of going to a photo shop, there are different phone applications that can help us achieve the best in our photos.

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Exactly. The generation of today is really lucky to have such apps. This would help them get better results and would be worth printing to be displayed or kept in albums. It's nice to look at old photos once in a while.

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Thanks to the new technology and these apps are amazingly available anytime. When I feel bored and feel under the weather, I always look to my photo albums and it brings back a lot of memories in the past.

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Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?I used to do this also, print out the best pictures and hang it on my wall, like this one, this is not my room but I got the idea from this, and I'm using Ph. map. By doing this you will become motivated to travel more and print out the best picture until no more space for your map for a new picture.

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I like the idea of putting your photo on the map. It is fun to see photos of which places you've visited and how it looks in actual. It would be like a big photo album of your adventures.

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Yeah, and with the technology right now that it's so easy to print out your photos, we are able to edit and keep update our pictures. Although it's not the same as to the old photo album, but still we can use the hard copy of our photos to design our wall.

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I like the way you decorated your headboard with your photos. It is very stylish and modern for me. So nice to see and on top of it you made effort to looks like that. Photos will save our memories and we should not just let it go but keep it with us.

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That's right, and also somehow, this one is a good stress reliever. When you feel tired and exhausted from work, I will just look at pictures and the map and will look for some spaces and will plan to go there next vacation.

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Yeah it is effective to stick on the wall the photos that you wanted to visit in the future. It is like a target place for you and you would set a motivation to make it in reality. You have also a good stylish and decorator in your bedroom. I find it very cozy and yet modern in style.

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Some of my room decors are the result of watching DIY videos on YouTube, and even the idea of this photos. It looks expensive and elegant but actually, it not costs a lot, it's just more on glue stick. LOL.

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Oh I see that sounds good. I watched DIY videos also and got many ideas about simple things like making home decors etc. I like it very much. You would save time and money at the same time.

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And aside from that, it will help us how to recycle things and use as home decors. Some of our old stuffs can become useful again and looks new item if we could just use our creativity.

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That is right. Why do we need expensive furnitures or small stuff for the house if we can able to make it on our own. I believe that watching DIY's video help us to be more productive and save time and money.

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I have something like that in my room too. I have strings that I hang pictures that are important to me. It also doubles as a reminder area for me where I can hang notes and pictures that brings back a lot of memories as well.

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Print out our pics like before even in this digital age is much more exciting specially in decorating our home or room. Our hidden creativity will suddenly come out to make the print photos look new and have a new place for them instead of keeping it in photo album and frame. I also like the digital frame.

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I don't keep hard copies of my photos anymore (other than ID photos) because I don't really look at them too much and I have enough backup copies on my hard drive and cloud and I only print when I need them for something.

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Hahaha. Me too. There are minimal instances when I find myself printing out any random photo especiallh from my phone. Now that I think about it the last time I did was waaay long ago.

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Yeah, I don't travel anymore as much so I don't really find the need to have photos developed regularly, and I just don't take a lot of photos using my phone unlike other people.

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It is also quite cumbersome to store the pictures as hardcopies. This is quite the contrary with digital pictures as you can have up to a million depending on the device you use to store them. You can easily travel with them allowing you to manipulate and use them at your discretion.

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Yeah, I only have a few hard copies which are important moments in my life or with my family (graduations, weddings or other special occasions, etc.) and they are mostly framed for displays. I think few young people these days even have printed photo albums.

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I agree, it only takes a few important things that can brought up good memories. What is the sense of having thousands of pictures if it don't even bring back a single memorable thing that happens in your life. Plus, printed one always brings out a nostalgic feeling.

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Yeah. Same here. I dont print photos for long time. I would like to store it in my phone or in my usb. It safe and practical for me.

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You can do it by yourself without spending money too much. Watching DIY's videos related to the designs would help a lot to your style plans. Many ways to make our hard copy photos to be like a decorator and design in our house and the best thing to have this is when you stare with these photos, they bringing you back so many memories.

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Yes, I do. I keep hardcopy of the photos that are very memorable. I make scrapbooks and I write the story under the photos. For me, it is still best to keep hardcopy. I can't explain the feeling of touching and seeing hardcopies of my memorable pictures, it just makes me happy.

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Scrapbooks are really part of people who are into love of photos and memories. I, myself, keep hard copies of memorable pictures of my childhood. And it is really priceless and fun staring at the pictures because it gives a lot of memories.

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Me too. I still keep hardcopy of my family's photos. I still keep them in a photo album, and make captions as well. It is fun to do and the feeling while seeing those photos are priceless. I am a sentimemtal person so keeping hard copies of our photos made me really happy.

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That's the one thing that can't be done with digital copies- making scrapbooks. I used to enjoy doing it especially when I gave birth to my son. I know the feeling of making those photos more memorable and artistic by making scrapbooks. I remember that for a time I printed off the shots from our digicam. But later on, I dropped the hobby and just contain myself with soft copies. But I agree, keeping digital copies will not match up to the feeling of the hard copies made into scrapbooks.

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I agree with you. Having hard copies of a photo makes a difference compared to storing the pictures on your device. Until now, I still have hard copies of pictures and keep them on Albums. I love the idea that I am able to touch the pictures, it gives me the feeling that I won't lose them forever.

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I understand that photos can be stored on our phone or other devices. But I still keep hard copies of my photos. Making a scrapbook is something that I like to do. It is different when you have hard copies of the pictures. Keeping them is like securing all the precious memories captured by your phone. There is no need to worry if you lose any copy on your phone. And as long as you know how to preserve or make your photos last, then you can have them forever.

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I have not been keeping hard copies of photos that I take with my phone and I think there is need for me to change from that as having some hard copies of the pictures is a way to keep hold of memories.

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The pictures on my phone stays in my phone. Why would I bother printing them out in hard copies when I can carry them with me anywhere in the world I go and watch them whenever I desire? But with hard copies, I simply can't be carrying thousands of pictures around. I have more than 5,000 pictures in my phone.

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We have big albums of hard copies of photos. Though we have gone digital but old habits die hard. Physical images are more handy than digital images.
Normally, we use digital images if we want to download them online.

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My parents never joke with their family album. There are so many collection of pictures that I don't even know anything about those that are in the pictures.

It's more like a memory time stamp in my family because each picture in the album comes with a history and I do love listening to my dad tell these stories.

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I still have my old photo albums and old pictures but recent ones are all digital. I have several hard drives that are solely for photos and videos storage. Although, i haven't tried printing a hard copy, i still think that hard copies are still worth compiling.

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I kept my old photo albums too but it has been long since I have hard copies of photos. I only have digital photos since the rise of camphones. What I actually intend to do is the other way around. To have soft copies of my old photos, have them scanned because I'm pretty sure in time they will start to deteriorate.

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Scanning old photos can really help in preserving old memories and old pictures, and they can always be reprinted or retouched to a much higher quality, especially as technology continues to improve.

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That's right. It's the only way I know how to preserve old photos. In fact, I also plan to scan old letters to keep them intact. The sentimental value on those old photos is really priceless.

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Others also don't touch photo albums. You can only look at the pictures. Some are very protective of photographs. Like once it's put there, you can never remove it. They won't allow it.

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Very rare. Unless there is a specific reason to and even then I would have to rely on the digital copies more for any backup.

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Nowadays hard copies are not that common unlike before. But I print copies of my pictures because I can display it at the house. I will print those picture that are so memorable then hang it at the wall. Keeping both copies are important encase you lost the other copy.

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That is so true. I have to say both can preserve memories. Whether it is digitally or physically preserved, it is important to keep them and also maintain them. For me, the digital age has may benefits when it comes to the ease of use or being cost effective, but... it is also important for me to have something that is printed. This is because I like seeing memories displayed.

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I think that's the problem nowadays, since all are digitized, I really don't keep any hard copies anymore. All my photos are kept in my phone's memory card which I periodically transfer to my PCs hard drive and I've also uploaded them in a private secret Facebook account.

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Same here, i have multiple banks for storage. I even have some cloud storage as well as social media accounts to make sure everything is not forgotten. Although i still love to have those hard copies, i just use a digital photo frame as an alternative for wall pictures.

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I always seem to worry about losing things even if they're backed up a number of times. I don't think I'd want to ever just rely on my computer. One thing I forgot to mention in my previous post as well is that hard copy photographs make such nice, sentimental gifts!

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Same here. I don't like relying on hard drives and computer too much but I still do keep copies in it. If ever computer and hard drive gets corrupted, I still have my hardcopies. It is better I guess to keep both.

Also, these hardcopies comes so handy to show guests who visits our house and would want something to look at. They often find it more entertaining to see old pictures instead of having them read magazines or watch the television.

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Yes! It's always a fun thing to do at family get togethers, or even when friends visit! Makes for a good talking point and people truly do seem to enjoy them!

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Taking pictures is one of the good habit of Filipinos when having a get together. We are fun of taking pictures. Even pictures of food are being shared in social media like Facebook.

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Before, I used to print some hardcopies since large storage devices were not that kind of popular yet or used to or if not its because it kind of expensive at that time. I think it was 10 years back then.

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When I was younger, my parents always kept hard copies of photos and we have quite a few albums with them. But we just don't do any of it anymore, I actually don't think a lot of people keep hard copies of photos anymore really unless it's a truly special photo. I think it's just better to keep photos digitally as long as you ensure that it's secure and backed up properly.

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And by the way, I will only keep or make a hard copy of my photo that is very special for me. Like a group picture or a family picture. And also for pictures that can be a display in our house.

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I miss the old times when photo albums was the norm. I mean in the past its all about hard copies that one can easily touch, hold and look at. Nowadays you have to view photos on a device and even if you create prints it generally doesn't last. It usually fades in a year or two.

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Exactly! Those days of photo albums being a huge part of our family has been missed so much if I'm being honest because back then, I don't think that is any family which you will enter and not see their photo album on the shelve and most times it's one of the things that are brought to keep you company, as you are going to look through lots of pictures and the person will seat beside you to explain the memory line of the photos and who are in each one of them.

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I personally wants to have a hardcopy of my pictures. I really want to see them in photoframes and put them everywhere in my house. Unlike digital photos that when the memory got corrupted, then all the photos will be gone, but when they are printed in hardcopy, they could be kept and preserved. Also, it is nice to keep a photo album that you could open to reminisce old good times.

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Yeah, having photo albums and frames still matter even today, specially the memorable one. Sometimes the soft copy is not enough and we need to print it so it's easy to see and bring back the memories once we see it.

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I agree with you. Reminiscing memories through hardcopy photos brings a lot more emotions than seeing it through a display screen. I also enjoy sharing my photos that were kept in a photo album whenever a visitor came to our house. Keeping hardcopies of photos could keep memories safer than soft copies that when you accidentaly delete it, it'll be lost forever.

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I have lost the negatives of most of my photos taken from a manual camera. I have tried to digitalize my old photos. I do not have hard copies of most of my digital photos. Normally, I do not keep hard copies of my digital photos, however, sometimes I print hard copies of my digital photos.

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What I did with old printed photos that I have is scanned them and save it to hard drive. If ever the old photo or negative gets lost, I can have it reprinted again.

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Yes, that's the best way to save your old photos. You can scan them and save digitally. Once the old hard copies of the photographs are stored digitally you can reprint again or save on a disk. You can even restore the old photos if they have been time damaged.

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I asked this question to my girlfriend and she said that she keep hard copies of her pictures. She use it as a display in their house. To remember lots of memories. And also she said bragging about her beauty.

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Yes, because I think it is nice to collect photo albums. We can display hard copies photo at home. Every time we see our photos it bring backs memories. I also do this to erase the digital copy because it occupies to much space. Sometimes I just post it in Facebook then I will erase it. I only print important photos or if I'm going to do a scrapbook.

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I only keep hard copies of very important photos which I would put in frames. The ones I have printed are personal family photos which we shoot from our smartphones on a family occasion, outing or celebration.

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Apart from passports, I don't think that I have taken any pictures in hard copies for a while now. I literally have all my pictures in soft copies either in my phone or my digital camera. The only hard copies of pictures I still have are the ones that I took more than 15 years ago.

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This is a wonderful question. Im a 30 year old person and I was able to experience films, polaroids and the so called "physical pictures". I totally felt nostalgic when I bumped in this question.
I still produce hard copy and nicely place it at magnetic photo albums. I have some old folks from my family who doesn't really understand social media and smartphones. So having hard copies of our photos still comes in handy. Actually, whenever there is a family gathering, passing around photo albums after dinner is done so we could catch up and share good stories. It became a family tradition also. Even the younger generation joins us and they are not new to hard copies.

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For me, yes, but just a few photos, like two or three printed photos and hang it on my wall. I used to do this specially when I travel to the new place. Just an additional decoration to my wall. it looks like a trophy for me.

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I also have those hanging on the wall. Well basically in my country, the common thing you see in each house is a family portrait. I do not know why many houses in my country have it hanging. Oh I almost forgot, even the certificates each family member has from their primary until tertiary days, are also hanging on the wall!

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Yeah, I'm from the Philippines and this is normal things to see on the wall. My grandparents used to do this in their house in the province. It's really funny to see the certificates, even the simple recognition need to laminate and frame it then hang it to the wall. But my pictures are just inside my room and I don't need to laminate and frame it, just a simple glue stick is enough.

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Haha yeah that's pretty common in our country! Honestly, I have never seen a house without a family picture hanging on the wall. What's with the family portrait though? Well anyway, even the medals are hanging too together with the framed certificates. I do not know if you have seen a laminated certificate made of wood! It was very common in 1980's I think.

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LOL, yeah, I was surprised when my grandmother laminated my graduation picture and you're right it made of woods. Do you keep hardcopies of your photos? When I came back to the province I saw my picture together with my other cousins.

Yeah, maybe around 80's and 90's. This is part of the tradition I think, and the pictures maybe are the center of their topics when they have visitors. LOL.

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Haha that is indeed true! The framed certificates and pictures are placed in the living room so basically those are the first things that the visitors will see! Do you keep hardcopies of your photos? And the crazy part is, those visitors will only have two reactions. Either they make fun of your pictures or praise you because of the certificates! LOL Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?

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And even one of the certificate of my cousin from "Isang gunting, Isang suklay" by Fany Serano I think, is already laminated and it's placed in hard frame and hang it on the wall. LOL.

LOL, they surely laughing at that. But for our grandparents, they are proud of that, although sometimes, it's not really necessary to do that. Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?

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That is indeed true! The elders especially the grandparents are very proud of all the achievements of their loved ones hanging on the wall. I think it is because, most people who were born 20 years before World War II did not have the proper education so seeing the achievements of their family members make them feel fulfilled and proud of themselves because no matter what the situation was in the past, they were able to fulfill their kids and loved once ambition.

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This how our grand parents value the education they are really proud if one the family member finish their study, specially if you live in the province. Yeah, you're right maybe from zero after the world war and now they have this recognition, the pictures.

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I would have to agree with you. I normally see these in houses or even in some establishments in the provinces. My ancestors are from the Northern part of the Philippines and considering our country as a third world country, education is indeed important however, some former government administrations did not give importance to it.

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Yeah, sad to say, but that's what's happening in our country. They are all asking for support coming from the government, because the government not provide free and prioritize the education before. That's why those pictures hanging on the wall remind us how great our grandparents to pursue and prioritize the education.

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I am with you on that. Our grandparents are truly amazing and I really salute them for making our parents finish their studies no matter how hard the situation was.

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The digital age is moving sofast that is you blink for a seconds, by the time you open your eyes a lot
would have happen without you noticing anything. Gone are the days when I used
to keep hard copies of my photos. I would collect all of then in to one big box
and review them when I wanted to show them to my friends and family.

But now I keepjust the soft copy of all my photos, because of cost, portability and I can
also access them with ease. I can now move my photos everywhere I go, I just
have to find my Phone OR any storage device and store them on it and I am free
to go.
I still have someof my hardcopy photos but I do not remember the last time I made hardcopies of
my photos.

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My days of keeping photo albums and hard copies of pictures are long behind me. I don’t think I’ve gotten a picture printed in something like 15 years now. Ever since my family bought our first digital camera, we’ve been keeping our photos on memory sticks and hard drives, along with DVD versions for backups. We even have digital picture frames that play slideshows of photos.

It’s pretty crazy how quickly we’re all transitioning to digital media, but it really is starting to feel like we’re living in the future we’ve always fantasized about.

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I know right. Have you ever actually felt weird when someone suggested that you go print out a picture. I mean like unless it is extremely formal or for a special purpose then i tend to feel that there is a little need for the printing.

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Yeah, I definitely know what you mean.

I think that printed photography has managed to stay alive rather exclusively in the domain of fine arts. Plenty of fine arts photographers still make traditional prints of their work in order to showcase them in galleries.

As you mentioned, printed photos seem to be commonly used for extremely formal or special occasions. I usually receive a printed photo when I go to a wedding or something, where I’ve taken a picture with the bride and groom. But long gone are the days where you’d print photos of people just going about their daily lives.

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Yeeah I also have those memries where you are offered a really special photo in hardcopy form. Some of such are a treasure to be hung up on a wall rather than be stored in digital form.

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I agree with you. We are fortunate enough that we are in the generation that experiences the goodness of the development of technology.

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I actually do not keep hard copies of my photos. I keep them backed up to multiple different places, though, if that counts, haha. My parents have suggested I have some of my photography printed to display, but I've never gotten around to doing that. I just take so many photos that it wouldn't be feasible to keep physical copies of them lying around (unless I was selling prints of them, I guess).

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Yes. I still have hard copies of old photos I have. But those are just some memorable events me and my family had way back like 10-20 years. But nowadays, I am not into keeping hard copies of the photos I have. I have some, but those are just pictures of my loved ones and putting them in my wallet.

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For me, it depends on what the photo is of. I definitely keep some hard copies of my photos, especially more sentimental ones of family members. Older photos (from before phone cameras were prolific) take up quite a bit of space on my bookshelves. Now, though, most of my photos are stored in my phone's camera roll. I keep them digital so that it's easier to look through them with other people. Additionally, it allows me to keep more of them, since the storage is convenient and free. I also digitally keep any copies of stock photos that I own. Obviously, the photos are much easier to use for digital designs this way.
This was an interesting topic to read through! I wonder if the next generation will keep purely digital copies? It will certainly be exciting to see.

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People nowadays would hardly print off copies of their photos. I can remember the time that you have to wait 24 hours to have your film developed. It improved later on to an hour waiting time and it will cost some amount. You can only anticipate how it will look like and that's the fun part when you look at the pictures together. There's no reverting to the old ways I guess so I think most people only have the hard copies of the old photos.

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In today's generation, most of the pictures that we take came from our smartphones. There are still some people who prints hard copies for their pictures. In my experience, my family printed a hard copy of my graduation picture so they can put it in a frame and display in in our living room. I think that is a part of the Filipino culture. I also remember those days, back in my childhood, we usually have to wait for a day for our pictures to be developed through film. Nowadays, we all use digital cameras and smartphones to take pictures. I usually take pictures with my phone whenever I want and I save it on my hard drive and through Google Photos and iCloud.

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I miss the old days in which there's always a hard copy of photos taken. I still have some photo albums filled with photos of celebrations and memorable photos of the past. Once I tried printing photos and creating an album but it seems the quality deteriorates in just a few years. That's why I stopped printing photos.

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I used to! However, I was not able to maintain the pictures because I didn't put them in the right frame. I just glued them to colored papers and posted them on my walls. After a few months, they got dusty and started to fade so I decided to just buy this digital frame that plays your pictures on a slideshow so whenever I'm in my room, I can always see my favorite photos! Do you keep hardcopies of your photos?

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Yes I do but does are most important photos I ever captured. I keep them in the photo album so the next generation of our family will see it. And we also have a scrap book which I put the happiest moment from me and my love ones so whenever I am lonely I just look at my scrap book. The problem of hard disk is there is a chance of having a virus which destroy the hard disk. So I have more prefer hard copies than digital copies.

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Not really since I have most of it saved in the HDD of my PC and in memory cards of my Smartphones. I view them using my TV or my PC and sometimes by using my smartphone and tablet.

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Yes i Keep My Photos Because There's a Lot of Memories That i Made During That Picture Taking But i Delete Some Photos That Makes No Sense But I Never Ever Deleted Some of My Important Photos Well Some of You Guys Keeping Some Of Your Precious Photos That's Really Mean To You.

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Yes I am still having a hard copies of my photos even though we are now on the modern age of technologies because I want to experience how it looks like when it is printed and stored in the photo album. It may sounds weired for now but for me it brings back the old memories wherein photo album were present. Although I am also having some soft copy of my pictures to have an alternative way of storing them for future used and memories.

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One thing I'm keeping hard copies of are my I.D. sized photos which I printed with my printer. I made about 50pcs of 1x1, 2x2 and Passport sized photos for myself and I also printed my wife and sons too. Having such photos ready and available is a good thing, because you'll never know when you'll need them.

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No, my photos are stored on my external hard drive. Selfies with friends and family pictures captured from my phone are transferred to my hard drive since it less expensive than printing. It's very useful to have an external hard drive where you can store pictures, videos, music, and files. And you can always go back to your old photos and reminisce about old pictures easily. I have pictures stored in my external hard drive for more than 5 years now and the photos of my parent's wedding I have scanned it and stored it in my hard drive so I can keep it and print it just in case the hard copy fades.

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Yes and no, I have been collecting hard copies of the photos I like most and the ones that I am confidently would love sharing with friends or could be a decoration to hang at home or in my room. All of the photos are stored in an external hard drive not in a cloud though as some people prefer that option because sometimes hard drives are sensitive when you accidentally drop it. No, because as time goes by, hard copies of anything become worn out and faded.

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Yes, especially if that picture has something that means a lot to me. It's my habit to print photos that I captured during my travel. It serves as a remembrance to me and it is one way to preserve the memories I had from that trip. I will not print all the pictures I took, instead, I will just choose some of the best. I hang some pictures on the wall of my bedroom or I will keep some in a photo album. Sometimes if I'm stress, I will browse these pictures and it brings back happy memories that I could treasure for the rest of my life.

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I'm also sentimental when it comes to travel pictures - especially for those once in a lifetime travel spots where you know you may never get the chance to visit there again. I always like printing those, whether it's actual photos or souvenirs like photo books. Sites like Snapfish make them and it's a great way of having all your travel pictures all together.

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My family only has hard copies of photos from the past. But now, we are hardly printing out photos from our travels. We have photo albums online that only my family has access to. I also have backup copies located in different sites and storage devices to keep our old photo albums safe.

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I think it's something that's going to remain a thing for years to come. People just love having memorabilia. It's the best sentimental object they could possibly have.

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As our in-law's request they want us to save it to an album so we can see it from time to time. We always advised them that these days we can view it anytime now from our computer, laptops or on our mobile phone. But they always remind us that those gadget are all waste, that we cannot view it if its low battery, no charger, no power bank and when it's blackout and they repeated again"so you still can never charge your gadgets". Very witty lol. So we just decided to buy more albums to finished the discussion.

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I see it from another point of view. I've rarely had the urge to go find and pickup a photo album to see the pictures inside. The picture albums are just there collecting dust and will be "another thing to throw away after a few years". With digital albums, you can just view them from your phone at any time without the clutter. Sure, the old people would probably not get to make use of this convenience. But hey we are moving into a new tech world.

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Pictures are things that you can keep as a remembrance or a memory of you with your friends, love ones, relatives, etc.
In the past where Facebook and Internet is not that popular, we tend to get a hard copy of each of the photos that we have but I'm glad that Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn invented the Internet protocols that we are using today.
Internet is a great invention where you can communicate to other parties and distance does not matter as you can receive or reply with just a matter of seconds even if the two of you are on the other side of the world. With the Internet, you can just save your photos in Facebook, put a backup on it on your email, Google Drive or any kinds of online backup platform so these days, I don't usually get a hard copy of my pictures unless if there are very important pictures that I want to keep physically.

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Yes, I like keeping a hardcopy of my favorite photographed image or whatever it is! I know that there are a lot of social media platform like instagram and facebook to keep your gallery of images but the reason why I still like keeping a hardcopy of them is because I am actually afraid that I might lost them from the internet for some reasons and there are photos that I want to keep it privately. Hardcopies of my favorite photos are just for remembrance in the future, and also I can view on it without the use of any computer devices that also requires an internet connection.

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Ughmmm, yes I still keep a hard copy of my photos even in this modern era. Why? because it is still quite different in viewing the scenery especially the tone and mood of a certain picture when we view it in a photo paper instead of just seeing it in our mobile storages. The advantage of having a hard copy of a photo is you can see it anytime as long as it is by your side unlike gadgets that requires charging, veiwing pictures in album is more efficient. You can keep it and your grandson can still view the picture unlike a mobile phone that can be snatched out, be broken etc. Most of all, it is because the picture itself. A picture suites more in albums and frames that we can see everyday so that we can recall the happy memories in our lives instead of storing it in the storages where we can seldomly see it.

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I honestly like to keep a hardcopies of my photos for souvenir purposes since I feel happy whenever I saw my photos. I know that it might sound weird this time since we are now at the modern age of technology but i think it is still nice to see.

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No, but I would like to keep hard copies of my photos since you don't really know how many years your media storage like a flash drive or an external hard disk would last. For me since I grew up in the 90's its normal to keep hard copies of your photos this are the photos you show to you're relative and long lost friends because we didn't have social media back then. Today I rarely have hard copies of my photos because its much easier and much more convenient to just store it on a flash drive or a hard disk some even use social media to store their photos which I don't really do that often because you don't know how long that website will last and the privacy stuffs. Sometimes I really miss the good old days when you can actually touch and hold you're photo and maybe someday I'll be transferring some of my photos on hard copy too.

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The only time that I print out photos is if it's my son's school requirement or projects. I mean I don't normally print out photos unless I'm required. I think that's the same thing with most people.

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Yes I do have the photocopies of my phone because its a tradition before smartphones arrived I had lots of hard copies of my picture, And I think the hardcopy pictures are better because you can touch it have a reminisce on it.

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No. I don't have hard copies of my pictures nowadays. Its all in my phone. If there is an opportunity to have it developed or printed I prefer having hard copies. Its because sometimes the pictures on my phone gets corrupted by viruses so I could not find it anymore. But then its going to be time consuming and it costs to go to the store and have the pictures developed.

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I know what you mean. You can just upload them online so that you have backup copies. There are many free cloud storage services there. Even Facebook can act as a digital album. That way you can avoid losing all your photos if something happens to your phone.

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Having a hard copies of my photos really brings back the memory of old times. Although it maybe costly but still worth the price for me, it is better to have it printed so that I will have a back up whenever my cameras get into trouble. I do not want my precious photos to just go away in instant since we cannot anymore turns back the time.

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Yes I keep hard copies of my photo and it's in the photo album, I also keep my girlfriend photo on my wallet, because I won't leave my house without my wallet. So if I have her photo on my wallet, I will just look at it so I won't miss her.

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In this digital era, it seems unnecessary to keep hard copies of all our photos. What we do is to keep backups of the soft copies of our photos. Although sometimes, some people maintain hard copies of some photos that we would like to display around our home.

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Yes but only the ones I treasured the most like graduation or any family celebration. I am aware of saving files on cloud storage or mass storage but holding a real printed photo in your hand really gives me nice feeling of euphoria. My family keep them on small picture frames that is usually display on the living room.

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I kept hard copies of my love one's photo in my wallet, so everytime I misses her, I will just on her photo.

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That's so sweet of you. But I can feel you too. You know, I also do that - whenever I miss my mom or my little brother who are currently far away from me, I always have to look on their photo so that it takes away my longing somehow. Though we have constant conversation through video call or phone call.

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I prefer to have hardcopies of some important pictures and arrange them in my scrapbook. It makes a difference if you are able to touch and feel the photos. A scrapbook is also a good gift to a friend. Collecting your pictures, designing them, and leaving some messages can be a great gift to your loved ones.

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That's true. My niece just recently came back home from his work overseas as a seaman. He has a girlfriend here. He then took his old photograph and let it be seen by her girlfriend. They can't stop laughing at those pictures of his.

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Yeah! For me, It makes a difference to see hardcopies compared to digital copies. I feel like I am keeping those precious memories as a treasure. There are ways on how to preserve the photos, you just have to do a research.

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I still keep old photos at home but when it comes to digital hard copies I seldom keep a hard copy, only when it's needed, it's because print outs easily deteriorates unlike the old film photos.

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No don't keep hardcopies of my pics anymore. Most of my pics are saved in the Google Drive and some are saved in my Laptop. It is far more convenient than having to maintain a photo album.

But I do have some very old pics of my childhood and school days. They are all in good condition till now. There is undoubtedly a special kind of connection with those old pics .

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I think it is still best to have some hard copies of our photos so that we will have some back up if ever the soft copy that we have in our laptops and mobile pone would diminished or accidentally deleted for some reasons. We cab easily have a copy through scanning them if we have a hard copy for that since soft copies of photos that we have on our gadgets are prone to viruses which would trigger as to reformat our gadgets which would only mean deleting all of our photos in it. It can be avoided if we at least have a hard copies for that.

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Just like most people, I upload the photos I took in social medias, I keep a copy in my phone and another in my flashdrive. However, if the photo is special to me, or if there's an occasion like birthday photo or graduation photo I print it and put it in an album.

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Well, yes, that's what most people do nowadays. It's more convenient and money-saving.

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I don’t have physical copies of the photos in my camera or phone. I usually store it in my cloud. I used to store it on the flash drive. But times are just moving now I don’t even need a memory stick just internet and an email account. But there are times afterlooking at my childhood photographs that the printed photograph just holds a deeper meaning. Photos are sort of your memories. Now you’re memories might just be a corrupted file on the internet.

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Unfortunately I don't do it anymore because first it's a bit too old fashion for me, secone it's a bit costly, and third I don't see the need because of the cloud storage I have whch is pretty helpful. However, I definitely miss the good old days where I always print my photos and put it on a photo album. So Nostalgic.

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Yes, I do, and I still have it until now. Because it's a memory that money cannot buy. You can always look at it whenever you want to see what you look like back when you were a child, and it really feels happy because it brings back good memories.

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I have decided to have hard copies of my photos. I believe aside from storing them in hard drives, it is best to see and touch them on paper. I can make a compilation or scrapbook out of those photos. I can make a photo gallery at home my children can look back and see how God had blessed me or us through the years.

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If the picture is special and very beautiful I make a hard copy, but if it's a generic picture then I'll just post it online.

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I don't. Keeping hardcopies of photos is so rare, and photo albums are not a thing nowadays. I keep them in flashdrives and memory cards. Of course, I also ensure to sync them first to my google drive or post it on Facebook so I will be able to keep a copy.

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I rarely get hard copies of any of my photo. But from time to time i see need to. So yes I still keep hard copies of my photos. With smartphone i know we can be tempted not to bother to keep hard copies. However, if you look at the fact that your picture is more secured as hard copy than if it is your phone; you'll see need to keep hard copies

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I haven't printed a single photograph in years. In fact, most people I know only share photos digitally anyway. I suppose if you wanted to print a nice family photo to hang on the wall it's still quite handy, but as a frequent traveller I am accustomed to carrying everything with me on my phone.

For that matter, I back up everything on Google Photos, but only lately found out that the backups are typically of a lesser quality. It isn't really noticeable, but seeing as how most of my older photos are no longer stored on the hard drive, the only available versions are lower-quality which may affect how they look printed.

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I doubt people still keep a hard copy photos nowadays. Most people have moved to digital copies unless it is necessary to print out a hard copy as present or photo album for safe keeping. Keeping a digital copy of a photo enables one to keep it for long term and avoid deterioration of quality. Given we are mostly gadget dependent, smartphone and pc are becoming very common, digital photos allow us to show off our photos more easily.

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If there are photos that you want to glance occasionally it is nice to have it stored in a photo album where you can easily share and tell stories on others on what happened behind that photo. We have lots of hard copies of old photos in our house but since Social Media exist we barely print some photos. Most photos are now digitally stored on Social Media accounts or in a flask drive. We only print out one or two photos for special events like birthdays and add it on the old photo album.

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Hard copies are for guests and relatives, at least it was before. Today, I just save them on my external hard drive, then plug it to the TV and let my guests watch on a bigger screen. Sometimes I make slideshows so it's a little more entertaining. But hard copies are still great to keep with you in your wallet.

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Not as much any more. All my photos are just stored in my computer's memory. Whenever I look at our family's past photo albums, though, I always feel inspired to make a photo album for our more recent pictures. I think it's nice to have photo albums. Maybe I should take time to make one in the future.

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I used to do it. But since my bedroom wall is already full of my face and other photographs and since this time of our generation is now more on digital, I choose not to print photos anymore. It's better to save energy, ink, photo paper and time than printing a bunch of pictures just so you could keep a hard copy.

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I used to keep hard copies of all of my pics on multiple Kodak discs. But I am currently having them transferred over to digital and saved onto a usb flash drive.

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Do you keep hard copies of your photo: Yes, before when we can't afford to buy a camera phone but now I only produce a hard copy of pictures in special occassion or events of our family and put it on the family album.

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Me too. It's very costly and inconvenient to produce a lot of hard copies since we tend o take a lot of pictures nowadays. I just make sure that for the most important occasions, I have them printed and placed in a picture frame.

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We still do print hard copies of the photos. I don't know, it is more of a habit really. I know that in this age we do not really have the need for that since they have much more quality i digital forms but we still make physical albums out of them.

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Nope, I rarely keep printed copies nowadays unlike in the past when film cameras were the norm. It's because printing good photos takes a lot of work and equipment.Andd if and when I print some, it would start to fade away in a month or so. After 2 years it wouldn't be usable anymore.

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I agree, now that we are in a digital era. I think its new to have a hard copy when you can have unlimited copy of your photos digitally. But on my opinion I still keep some of my special event or memorable event photos printed in photo albums.

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I don't keep hard copies of my photos anymore, because I know that they will just end up getting hidden in a box somewhere in my room. I'm trying to save as much space as possible, and I don't like to have many things around me. I guess that the only time that I would print a photo is if I would have it framed for display.

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