
Sand Art - A unique experience

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Sand Art - A unique experience

How many of you have heard of Sand Art? I believe its one of the toughest forms of art and really hard to master. We have very few sand artists in the world which makes them stand out from the rest. They carefully build famous monuments, facials of famous personalities and what not. Sand art is now becoming more and more popular through talent shows and it is becoming a career option for many people.


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Sand art? If you're talking about putting some moist sand in a small bucket, turning the bucket upside down and gently lifting it up to produce a lump of dirt shaped like a bucket? Count me in! I can do that! LOL. But if you're talking about sand art like the artwork that's in the image below … forget about it! I'm way out of my league! LOL.

Sand Art - A unique experience

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wow this is really great, it must be hard making this one.

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That is an amazing sand art. I really want to try this out soon. Hoping that someday, I could also make one like this.

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There are museums in the country I’m living in right now solely dedicated to this kind of art - and it’s freakin incredible to see! The amount of detail is just next level, and it boggles the mind how they’re able to get sand to function in that way!

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Wow, that's nice, it's very detailed. That's how creative people are, creating works of art from mere sand.

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Wow, you really a have great talent.

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Wow, this is amazing. Unfortunately, I am pathetic when it comes to such creativity.

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How did they even make it stay up? If I am the one assigned to do this, it might take me a lifetime and still not finish. Great work!

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This is really something. To make sculptures from sand which is in every way a very difficult material to handle, and yet be able to make masterpieces such as this one is really awesome.

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This is the first time I have heard of this form of art and I was wondering what it was. I was about to do my research when I scrolled down and saw this picture. Wow, that takes some talent and patience to create. Are they able to preserve their work in some other way aside from taking a picture of it? Or its just destroyed afterwards? I would definitely love to see one talented artist create something like this in person.

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Sand Art is indeed a magnificent form of art, I speak as a first hand witness. We usually go to the local beach during summer, and we get to experience the thrill of watching an artist craft his masterpiece.

We usually see sand castles like this one:
Sand Art - A unique experience

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Oh my! I grew up in Florida and went to the beaches often and I've never seen anything like this! This is incredible! Was it a contest or did the people just do it for fun?

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I have seen it in popular beaches where a hotel usually sponsors a sand art contest. It's really amazing how artists could transform sand and water into various replicas of famous monuments and structures.

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I agree with you. I think its amazing how they build castle out of it. And it keeps me.wondering how they build sand arts higher than they can reach.

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I have seen a lot of sand art on beaches too. It's more beautiful if the sand isn't black.

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i recently went to the beach and someone had done this where they had created a beautiful lioness and everyone kept taking pics. I felt so bad that I could not take one as I had just gotten from the water swimming and my phone was back at my room.

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True. Those artist are very amazing. They can form any structures out of sand. Sometimes they doing the actual sand art like creating music video thru using sand art that will form illusions and images.

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I always wonder though the time they normally take to do such shapes as it would take me almost forever.

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Same as yours, I am also curious of how much time they consume before they complete the whole image. I think if I'm the one doing the sand art, I think it will be very messy as I am not really into that kind of art.

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I wonder how expensive it is? Let's say I'm an hotel owner wanting to host one artist who does sand art?
Although, there's one thing I don't understand. According to the pictures that sand art looks very sustainable, but isn't sand fragile? How do they prevent their art from collapsing??? Let's say under the influence of a wind.

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This is also s concern with me. Like one moment you have an excellent design at the front of your hotel and the next moment it had been washed down by a light shower.

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Yeah, I am also thinking that way as I am also a little bit curious. It's just amazing that the art they form can't easily destroy by winds. Sometimes children play and is trying to destroy the structure which can be quite frustrating and knowing that artist give their best to design and decorate the sand structure, they have to fix it again and again.

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The only sand art I see most of the time is the one that says Boracay 2018, aside from that, I haven't seen any different design. I never usually hang out in beaches, so it's my fault anyway. I'm sure there are lots of it over there.

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Aha! Thanks to your comment, I now remember that I saw one of these but didn't really appreciate it that much at the time because it was just the name of the hotel that we stayed at that was made and I didn't consider how difficult and tasking that was to make, I just wanted to swim in the ocean at that point.

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I've never even heard of it, that's why I just googled it and was left amazed. Truly, the forms and designs are spectacular! Oddly enough I'm surprised how I've never heard or seen it before. My main question is, how do they sustain that art from falling apart? I mean, it's made out of sand, no? And also, I suppose it's a middle eastern form of art?

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I’ve often wondered that too, how the designs don’t just crumble apart. I think the sand has to have a certain level of moisture and a certain consistency. From what I understand you can’t complete this kind of art at just any beach with any sand - certain places are more conducive to it than others.

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I was able to watch sand art before on YouTube. I was really amazed when I saw it. @Bravosi I was thinking that too. How can it possibly stick together? Sand art is really complicated and something that is not easily learned. I've read that this art originated from the city of Petra in Jordan. There are also reports that this originated from Japan. What is really its origin?

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I have seen a lot of sand art performances on TV, yes, on TV, there is actually another form of sand art. It's like drawing through sand on a platform with the light on the back. It's actually quite popular here in our country. I must say that it doesn't mean that if you have the sand and the platform, you can easily be a sand artist, you must have the skills to make something out of it.

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I have watch that kind of art too, it was in a talent show.

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I love sand art! The beach I used to go to for the holidays every summer would hold massive contests and peopel would flock from all over to see these absolutely gorgeous sculptures. I think it's such a nice art because you need to be able to practice year round to truly become a master and there's only so many places in the world that have beaches with the right conditions too!

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In Samal, where I am near held that kind of contest.

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I already heard about sand art but I have not tried it yet. I think this kind of art really need skills and imaginative mind as you have to think of an idea how will others recognize the image you create out of sand. I hope I can try that one soon as I think this art is really interesting.

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Yes , I agree with you it needs a lot of skills and creativity.

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I agree with you. No matter much you wanted to build a sand art, it would be hard as it takes patience and skills in art to be able to make one that catch's attention.

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Well, sand art stopped being a hobby and became a full job. I've seen amazing sand sculptures, like famous monuments or animal recreations, but also whole labyrinths and small houses and bridges. But that's not all, there are artists drawing on platforms and places with sand, they make sand lines to create wonderful painting recreations, adding color and accessories on them. Honestly, that's impressive, because I can't even make a sand castle or bury myself on the beach hahaha.

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I did too, it was really good and that time I saw it was not a trend yet.

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Me too. I'm such horrible when it comes to creating sand structure. I am more into graphic designing and illustration but it comes to sand sculptures I am not really good.

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I wouldn't say that it has entirely became a full job and stopped being a hobby. You can people all over the place on a beach practicing it, hihi. And to be fair, for a good reason. There's just something magical about it.

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I wonder how much sand art experts get paid Sand Art - A unique experience. Are they paid by the hour or by the project? I'm sure some of the contestants for such competitions are by invitation.

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Well, I don't know for sure how they handle it, but there's this artist who works in California beaches. He doesn't make big sculptures, but designs like spirals, geometric drawings in the sand. What he does, is to take pictures with a great camera posted in an specific distance, where you can see the whole design, and he sells them as postcards and posters. A small one can be around $25 each, and a large one up to $300.

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Now that's another excellent way to make money out of the craft. So it's not just about the gig but also the photos that can come up as a result of the artwork. Interesting.

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Exactly. I know for sure you can hire a sand artist, and pay the service by hour. But that's when they have been hired private. But if they're working on their own, in a public space, the best way to earn some money, is by selling pictures of their work, taking pictures with the public, or promoting themselves to get future hirings.

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I'm sure these sand art experts come as a team, and not only by his own. What I mean is that everytime they have a gig, a photographer is already on the lookout asking passers-by if they want to take a photo with the artwork.

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I have watched a live art sand before in a beach it was really a good experience.

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May I ask where did you watch it? Because when I was in Israel, then people were obviously doing stuff with the sands, but it wasn't something big or official. Just as regular hobby, ya know? I've never heard about sand art presentation in the "official" way before.

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The best way to watch them are in competitions. You can find international competitions in Puri (India), in Quebec (Canada), and in Usa you have lots of them. There events in Washington, West Virginia, Galveston Texas, Florida, and California coast. You just have to check online, and you will find out a lot of them.

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Sand art are one of the best art out there. I have so much respect to those sand artist because they communicate through sand and It has a lot of meaning word through the art.

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I really agree that sand art is one of the toughest form of art because not all people have the guts and talent to make it to happen. Only few talented people can make a sand art and I have witness several sand art presentations which I could say that are really pretty amazing. I can't believe that this kind of arts would satisfy my cravings and expectations in finding some of the best entertainment with an exceptional talent.

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Sand art are amazing and the whole process that goes into making one must take out a lot of time and effort from the artist. Is there a trick to it? Like moisture level of sand or something? I think it also has something to do with packing the sand real tight in order for them to easily carve it without it having to crumble.

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The sand arts that I have always seen on talent shows are those that narrates a story through drawing on the sand, in a lit table. Those usually includes series of dramatic music as the artist convey his story, making drawings after drawings. The transition of drawings as the story unfolds is so captivating that it makes the illusion that the drawing are alive. These kinds of arts are so ephemeral that makes each peace a one of kind collection of masterpieces.

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I have seen that too, it is hard to watch and I always get amaze everytime I watch it.

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It is somehow popular here in our country. They showcase their talent in TV shows and contests. They are also being hired to perform while someone is singing or telling a story on screen so yes it is considered a career already here. It is very pleasing to the eye and gives you that calming feeling.

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Wow, it is rare in our country but people who know how to do it are very popular to the kids.

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I've seen it in a few videos. Looks really hard to do. I guess it's a truly special artform because the demand for passion and skill seem pretty high. It's something I'd like to experience up close and just take out time to enjoy the artistes work their magic.

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Yes, you need a lot of skills, patience and creativity when you are going to try sand art.

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Here in my country there are even several sand art museums, one which I’ve been lucky enough to visit. The level of detail in the sand art there was just mind blowing. It gives you a whole new appreciation for this kind of art.

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I would love to go to sand museum myself, but we don't really have sand museum here in our country.

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It’s a really interesting art form. I’m living in Japan right now which is where the particular museum I’ve been to is located. If you google Tottori sand museum you should find it!

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I have seen a lot of people doing sand art in different talent shows and I always got amazed by them. Sand art is truly an exceptional talent that is very entertaining to watch. I would like to try this someday but I guess, I have a lot of things to learn first before I try doing sand art.

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I have my first encounter with art sand when I saw from a talent search about it. I think he won in that contest.

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Do you mind if I ask the name of the talent show? Is it local? Is it available on YouTube?

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Any kind of beach activity that shows creativity and art is for me a good thing. I've seen sand art a lot of times and it never fails to amaze me. It could be found on various beach resorts during summer in which resorts usually sponsor a sand making contest to attract a lot of customers.

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I don't think you can exactly make sand art as a profession. I do agree they are pretty but because they are only temporary, I doubt people would actually pay people to make sand art. Though it kind of gives me a 90s vibe when you mentioned sand art. Art Attack anyone?

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Oh my gosh I used to love the show Art Attack! That's a blast from the past right there. It actually made me quite passionate though about creating things - maybe that's why I enjoy art and craft so much, because it was instilled in me from a young age via that show!

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It's also the show that inspired me to take up a creative field of work. It's too bad Neil (the host) suffered drug abuse after the show. He was a good host all things considered. He wasn't annoying like some Art kids show host on TV now. It's sad this generation of kids won't get to experience Art attack since the show didn't get popular enough to get a remastered digital format.

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I think maybe it is per project. For example, during weddings or parties, you'll see ice sculptures of two big kissing swans and things like that. Sand art can be like that as well.

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Oh then I guess that makes sense. Though I've never seen sand art apart from some sand making competition videos on the net. It's a niche art form I guess.

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Yes, it's quite rare actually. Like I mentioned, the one I only know of is the one from Boracay. Other than that, none. But for ice sculptures, I've seen one from Japan, and they recreated some of the most popular tourist spots like the Big Ben and Eiffel Tower.

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I always wondered how ice sculptures stay in shape for such a long period of time. Some can even endure being under the heat of the sun. It must be some very cold ice.

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I'm not sure, but maybe it is placed in a location or part of the room where the temperature is the coolest, in front of an airconditioner perhaps. I notice that almost all of them use thicker blocks of ice too, to begin with.

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I went the extra mile and researched. It's a combination of a spray on chemical plus super high freezing temperatures make the sculpture cuttable and still keep in shape for long periods of time. It's quite alarming they mix in a chemical since some of the sculpture I see some people pour their drinks in for shots.

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And because of that, I've learned something new today. Thank you for sharing it and going the extra mile.

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I had been enjoying sand art activities from the first time that I had saw it and until now that I still see some rare presentation of such talents in my hometown. I really love it because it is very unique and really entertaining and sometimes it is really feels good to watch its live performances rather than watching it in a video because the excitement is there which is really great.

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We have a lot of great sand artist in the country and some of them compete internationally. I was impressed and amazed by their God-given talent. Their impressive talents are one of it's kind. Their performances are always heartfelt.

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Sand Art-A unique experience: I really appreciate those people who has gifted by God to have those kind of talent "ART". I have a cousin who do carving in wood, ice, soap and fruits, he knows how to drae a portratit, thats hat i know he can do base on what i have seen, I don't knoe if he lado has a talent in sand art. It was really amazing to do such great work and I am so proud of them.

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There are also other form of sand arts which are also hard to master. I just once watch it on a national television during a contest. Here is the link on you tube please do check it out and tell me your comments about it.

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