
How to get that perfect angle?

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How to get that perfect angle?

I always have a hard time pleasing my older sister in taking photos of her; solo or with other people including me. She initially reviews and deletes more than half of my work if she finds herself ugly on the photos that were taken. The bad thing is, some were really good shots,  wherein the others and/or I look actually good. 

So, how to manage in getting that best angle all the time?


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Use a tripod.
The beginners can master photography angle by using a tripod. If you place the camera on the tripod, you will get the perfect angle.
To make your sister beautiful in the photo, you also need to focus on light. Light is a very important thing in photography. By using light properly, you can create amazing shots.

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I agree with this one, tripod is probably the best option or rather solution for your problem, like if you're hands are that nervous and tends to shake or you don't actually have another person taking your photos. Well in your case, about the being or having an ugly shot, then the best way to have a more prettier shot is to pose more where you are probably comfortable.

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The perfect shot is also depended on how the subject poses and where he/she is placed, or the background so to speak. If the background is brighter than the foreground, the photo will never come right, unless you are the master photographer. Using artificial light to enlighten your subject also works.

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One good way of getting a perfect angle is by doing a close-up, get as close to your subject as possible even if it feels uncomfortably close, also you must get down to his height to get a better shot.

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How close you should get to the subject depends on what kind of image you are going to shoot. If you are doing a portrait photography, it is wise to capture the facial expression of the subject, therefore, a close shot will produce a better picture. If you are going to take a picture of the larger scene, the entire subject, for instance, getting close will not give you a good picture. If you are trying to take a picture of a landscape, you need a vantage point to take the picture in whole

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Another thing is the way the subject poses. Just like what I have said on other comments I made, it does not only depend on the photographer or the gadgets he uses to take good pictures. Both must work hand in hand to create a better product. This is when both are in charge of finding the right angle suitable for both sides of the subject and photographer.

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How the subject poses is also important to produce a great shot. The facial expression the subject is making also determines the shot. The best shot is when subject tries to remain natural. The camera angle is very important. You should wisely choose to place the camera. If you take a picture from the top angle and the subject is shot, the photo will make the subject shorter. For a short person, the angle should be down angle. There are important rules like these that need to be followed.

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Yes that is true. Both should be considered in order to take that perfect angle that you desire. You should also consider the lighting and the background of the photo to make it more picturesque.

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I agree, tripods is also a great too to use when taking a picture. It helps in stabilizing the camera when taking a photo or a video.It also does a great job in taking clean streams when taking a video

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If you are new to photography, you should use a tripod. Once you have mastered the photography skills, you can do without a tripod. If you want to take photos like a pro, you should avoid using flash. Well taking photos with flash will help you to catch a clear picture in the low light or in the dark, however, the flash will also make your photos dull. You should use additional light source or try to capture in low light.

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"Light is a very important thing in photography."

Understatement of the year! I'm glad you brought up lighting, because not only is it very important in photography, but it might actually be the most important part of photography. Lighting can 100% change the way an image looks. It can not only change the way you interpret a scene, but it can have a drastic effect on someone's face when it comes to portraiture. Almost as important as lighting is the composition. Position of the subject, using the Rule of Thirds, having distinct foregrounds and backgrounds, all of these are keys to taking a beautiful picture.

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The general rule of the thumb never take a photo of a subject with the light source behind the back, this will create anti-light environment and make your photo dull. However, a good photographer can create an amazing image in anti-light environment. The key to take images is knowing how to use light.
A rule of thumb is you don't use flash when you are taking pictures in sunlight. However, you can create an amazing effect by using flash in sunlight.
You need skills to manipulate light.

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I couldn't agree more to this. Having a well-angled and stable photo is vital. A good lighting will tone the image and make it look more professional. You should also consider to try different tricks like using a glass as a reflector to create bokeh effects. Of course, you must pick a good location and the perfect time of the day. Most photographers prefer to shoot during sunrise and sunset.

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Well it differs really. If you want them to look taller in a full body photo showing off their clothes ,then you should take pictures in a lower angle. If you are taking portrait pictures, its better to position your shots in a higher angle. To tell you the truth photography doesn't only concerns the photographer to take good pictures, the subject must also cooperate and do his or her own thing to make a better output.

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This is a big deal, particularly in today's age of selfies, digital pictures and stuff. Even magazines use certain techniques to change photos into the final product they want for to publish. I certainly think lighting is important. After that, keeping the camera straight and in most cases holding it upwards at an angle usually works. Straight and forwards is usually a technique for a single photo. Not one including multiple people.

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One also needs to know what pose and angle flatters them. The photographers should also direct the subject to make the end result better.

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My sister has an issue with her double chin, that's why I can't take a low angle shot, And most often, the light is not cooperating. It can be either dim or there's too much light, and we're always in a hurry.

Is there such a camera that can adjust to any imperfect situation?

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When taking selfies, it is better to angle the camera in a higher position where in the subject will face upward, hence, no double chin. Say you will be taking her photo, position your camera in a higher position to which she wouldn't look down, it also helps if the subject would slightly angle herself so that the neck would appear longer and show more defined features.

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If she doesn't want the double chin then always make sure that her head is in the right position... her head has to be a bit upwards and so should the camera. Regarding the lighting not cooperating, perhaps try one of those filters that every smartphone already has. They can be pretty good!

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I agree with your suggestion. Positioning really plays a big role specially when taking a good photo.

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I think finding the perfect angle can be hard hence why so many people take like a hundred pictures before they finally set for the one they truly like. There are a few things that you can try such as; the right height of the camera, the right distance, the lighting, and more. Either way, don't get too stressed because even professional photographers struggle with the right angle.

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What you are saying is very true. I also think that the subject and the photographer should work together in order to get good results. One should have an open communication regarding what they want. Example the subject tells what kind of photo he/she wants as a result and the photographer will guide the subject as he/she works with the poses.

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That's how the pros do it. A successful photo shoot won't happen unless there is constant communication between the photographer and his or her subject.

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You need to search on google or watch video tutorial in youtube or in other sites related to it. And you need to experiment different angles, practicing in every little way. Trying every angle and takes a lot of pictures and compare which is the best shot.

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Yeah, research will help a lot, If she really can't find the best angle for the shot, and she already tried everything, you're right, maybe she needs to take a research from professional about how to make it great, her picture, and I know, she will learn a lot aside from basics things.

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If you don't have a steady hands, there is no doubt that most of the pictures you take of your sister or other subjects would be blur and annoying. I can tell you that from my experience as a photojournalist, because we live and breathe communicating with mainly pictures than words.

Without a steady hands holding the phone when the camera is on for snapping, the pictures taken won't look good, and I strongly believe it's the reason why she deletes more than half of the pictures that you took always. Make use of a selfie stick or tripod to help keeping the phone steady fixed on the subject you intend on snapping.

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If that is the problem, maybe it is best thing to do is to use a tripod. On the other hand, there are also people who are picky when it comes to photos. I can relate because I am one of them. If the angle is off...delete. If the lighting is off... delete. If I basically do not like the photo... delete. I think that open communication with regards to the subjects liking is one of the key points the photographer should keep in mind.

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While taking pictures your hands need to be steady, you will also have to wait for 1-2 seconds after clicking in order to give time for image stabilization. If your hands are not steady, you can over come this problem by mounting your camera on a tripod. You also have to use reflectors or artificial light source so that your photo produces better.

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I think getting that perfect shot has a lot to do with background image and timing.

Most pictures that garner a lot of attention are unique in a way that makes it fun and surprising. Like eating an ice cream on top of a mountain. Or jumping in front of someone and surprising their face off. It always has an element of genuine surprise to them.

It's hard to get anything perfect. A lot of it has something to do with luck. But consistent effort and being content with simple but beautiful photographs of yourself will go a long way.

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This is another take on it. I also believe that an element of surprise within imaging is a great way to put some emphasis on the subjects attractiveness. Proper lighting, props and other gimmicks such as jump shots, side angles, high or or low camera point gives out some charm to any image.

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Right? I like that you said it enhances their attractiveness. I think this is what people mean when they ask the photographer to make them look more beautiful. You only ever have the subject's face and body. No amount of editing could ever change that. But adding something real, quirky, and relate-able gives it a little extra something.

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I don't no nothing about angles and direction in taking pictures, I just take the pictures anyhow it is and it comes out well, most people I take pictures always end up asking me to take more. Just take that pix the way you know how to do it, originality allows room for perfection.

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Well the thing is that it's going to be a bit more complicated than just - simply put - "getting the right angle." The quality of a photograph and a person's appearance are seriously going to depend on the lighting. You can take pictures from all over the place and you're just not going to have a good photo if the lighting isn't good. Another deciding factor in the quality of a photo is what sort of lens you're using. People look best when you photograph them with a focal length anywhere between 75-150mm. Anything under 75mm and their face will start to warp as a result of the wide angle and they're going to seem ugly to themselves.

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Actually it takes a lot of thinking and in some cases hard work and money to get even near a perfect angle.

Some factors to consider are: Is the Subject Moving or Stationary ?
Location and Terrain
Lighting and Time

That's why most of the time, I just look for a good or doable angle.

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From what I know it actually depends on where you are and your body shape. There are some articles that suggest taking a head to waist shot when you are at the beach. Another article also add that showing your curves, flaunt it and own it would make a perfect shot.

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Right, There're are some articles or the proper way to take a picture if the subject wanted to hide something and do not focus the lens on that part. Although some of picture in that article looks like edited pictures to really make it looks great, but still the tutorial is really helpful.

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Be patient with taking photos. Taking pictures to get a perfect angle takes practice, so keep on taking photos and don't be discouraged when your sister deletes her photos. Look up other online photographers who make a living out of taking photos. It's hard to explain in text, but you'll know when you have the perfect picture when you see it. Draw inspiration from photos you can see on Instagram or in other social media.

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Well I think it's up to your subject. If she's not really looks comfortable or confident in front of camera, It's useless to find some tricks, tripod or even a great dslr camera. Your subject should know how to communicate to the lens of your camera.

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To get the perfect shot / Angle you must always be aware of both the subject and the background you have to find the angle that best captures both in symmetry.

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Right, the background also is the other factor, specially if the person or the subject is just a tourist in that place, It's just a simple promotion to the place. And if you can't find better angle for your subject, use the background to make it perfect.

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You're right, also by getting a good lightings has a good effect to the photos. We should consider the quality of the device's too. I usually use my phone when we're traveling and it has a manual mode so it's getting easy for me to adjust and mix up the camera setting for a different effect.

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I suggest try practicing in taking shots with your sister. Try other settings like outdoors because it has natural sunlight. Setting up your camera is also one of the essential things you should consider practicing because not every time the exposure is the same. Don't just be focus on one place, try to explore different angles with different exposure also. You can look for tutorials and correct postures or right postures of the model you want to take and also look for some tips and tricks and techniques from the experts. I suggest you considered a cool place or any place tho (as long as you know how to be more creative in taking shots), good texture and a right exposure (depending on your desired topic). You should know also the rules on how to take a better shot. The rule of thirds, bird's eye view, worms eye view and etc. if you really want to be better in photography. I hope this helps.

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Try to pose at different angle. When you got the right one that you find good, then stick on that pose. It is a matter of trial and error. And everyone of us got that "favorite angle". Some are good when sideviews and other on top views and etc. Also try using some photography gadget like tripod or monopod. They help you position yourself while making the camera stable.

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Bringing a lightweight, foldable mini tripod or a good monopad would greatly improve your shot. There are new tripods nowadays that are small and lightweight but can be extended, bringing and using one would make your shots more stable and will lessen the strain on your arms and hands.

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One thing i do that works is taking your shots using your environment and good tools. There are times that i have shots that are basically not in sync with the surroundings. Its probably because i tried to make something out of a shot when the environment is against it. You must consider some aspects like shadows and lighting so that the natural beauty of your shots standout. Also use accessories like tripods and lenses that are appropriate with your use, a good and correct tools are always essential in any work you make.

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A good thing to do to get a better angle is shoot from the height of your subject, this means do not use the normal height of your eyes, you must go down to your subjects height. Whenever you are shooting short subjects such as children, if you take photographs from your height it will always give you a bad photo, you must always go down to your subjects height.

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Some people also use monopods when having selfies or group selfies, especially when traveling. It looks easy to use and you can easily position it to have the desired angle and lighting for the shot. Although you also have to take into account the quality of the smartphone's camera that you'll be using.

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Yes. I also think thag every person has a good angle. You just have to look for it.

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Agreed. I guess I look better in mirrors and pictures when I show my left side. Some people also use the angle where they look better to be more attractive in online social media profiles.

They could also use this trick to sell products online because they might show an angle of a car that makes it look flawless on one side but has scratches on the other.

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