
4k or High Definition?

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4k or High Definition?

The need for better quality images in cinema is ever growing. The competition is stiff as filmmakers keep finding more and more ways to up the quality of pictures they produce. We've gone from Low Res all the way past High Definition and even past 4k (we're talking about 8k and even 12k). 
My question is, is High Definition already at its end? Should we all start acquiring the proper equipment and start shooting 4k? Please share your thoughts.


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No, I don't think they have reached the peak. Technology is still advancing. Everyday, great minds with great skills from different branches come up with something new. Thus, every new thing about the technology builds up new versions of something.

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and I honestly think they will never reach the peak because the more there's new technology, the more there are new things that yet to discover.

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Yes, we don't hold the future of technology because it keeps on advancing every year.

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You probably have a point. In a way, they'll just keep advancing and pushing further. So it's like the best version is always the latest until the upgraded version comes along. I'm sure there will be a limit of sorts after a hundred years or so.

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What you said is quite logical because High Definition is 1920 x 1080 pixels while 4K is just double that at 3840 x 2160. So we might see a higher version which again doubles the resolution of 4K in just a couple of years and as the technology progresses so does the resolution. In the future there would even be 32K resolution.

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I agree with you. Knowing that human knowledge has no limitation. Discovering thing just building up more expectation on all other things.

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Hi-def is still mainstream, while 4K is not that popular yet. I think that Hi-definition will stay a little longer because it's looks good to most people.

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High definition is still the game right here in Nigeria. We are always using this style to make to take pictures and I believe that it is still going to be around for a while.

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FullHD is pretty much the standard for video in most African countries as at now. Most video player devices here won't support anything more than that quality. A number filmmakers are starting to shoot 4k though although they often revert it to Full HD. Only tine will tell how much things could change.

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I agree. 4K is kind of like the new HD TV. I remember back then when the best screen resolution was Standard Definition. The moment HD was introduced, it gradually took over everyone. It looked much clearer compared to its predecessor.

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High Def will still continue to be dominant at least until manufacturers of devices level up.

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I think it will come sooner or later. Technology just keeps on getting better as years go by. Phone models are getting upgraded in less than a year's time. It might get hard to keep up as gadgets continue to evolve along with their price tags.

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I have to agree with you. Many people still stick with Hi-def because that's the highest level that they know as of the moment. 4k is indeed not really that popular yet.

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I haven't heard of 4k until this post, honestly.

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Same here. The only time that resolutions matter to me is when I view YouTube videos on my laptop. I always select the highest option available.

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Yes, I agree with you, and I would like to watch videos on Hi-def than 4k.

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As a videographer, I'll typically still shoot in HD (1080p). 4K is definitely gaining popularity, but I wouldn't say it's mainstream quite yet, and most people wouldn't know the difference right off the bat, especially since 4K monitors and phones aren't widely used as of yet.

That being said, most cameras today do have 4K capabilities, and if you're serious about filmmaking and videography, I'd at least start looking into investing into 4K capable gear. It's good to prepare for the future, and the way things are going, 4K will probably be mainstream in the next several years.

If anything, producing your work in 4K now ensures its longevity and lifespan. While people might not be able to appreciate your work right now (if shot in UHD), shooting it that way will make sure it's relevant after the switch to 4K becomes mainstream.

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If you're a gamer you would really like a 4k graphics card in your PC.

What's the difference between 1080p and 4K? Well, 4K res is 3840 x 2160 pixels, while 1080p is 1920 x 1080.

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The truth is that change is constant and the earlier that we start developing on the quality of our videos, the better that it is going to be for us as well. There is need to make high definition pictures as well.

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My thoughts as well. Times are changing. In order to stay in the game we must change with it. It helps that the change in technology is often for the better.

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I agree with you. As they always say, change is the only constant thing in this world. It is inevitable, and the advancement of the technology will never be impossible.

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True. I believe that if you are adaptable to change then you can be successful. Do not let yourself just get stuck in what you know now, learn more. When it comes to technology, it would be best if we stay updated. It is the best course of action from a world that is ever changing.

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Everything is susceptible to change and improvement and that includes graphics, as technology progresses, more powerful graphic adapters are invented and that means clearer pictures.

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Yes change is constant but for me between high definition and 4k, I would choose 4k, if only I have the budget to buy things that supports 4k I would, but for the budget I would just choose high definition over 4k.

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Yeah its great indeed to see high definition movies and its a great investment for moviemakers but they should also develop the content of their craft because the people will not like the movie if the storyline is not good, no matter how clear the pictures are.

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I strongly agree with you. The quality of the images can only take a movie so far. There is a whole lot left to be done in the hands of the filmmakers.

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Definitely not. A lot of devices are still incompatible with 4K resolution, especially with the kind of devices that most citizens in third world countries have which only reads either HD resolution or 720p. However, as Photographers/Film Makers either as professionals or enthusiasts, I believe that we should already adapt in to the changes just like this because it will never take long for 4K videos to be the trend. Also, change is the constant thing in this world and so, changing the game in the industry is always better because it only leads in to improvement and nothing else.

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Well I don't know exactly which is better (if speaking from a professional point of view), but for me personally HD is good and sufficient.
4K sounds like something heavily overloaded and overwhelming! 4k or High Definition?

Been uploading YouTube videos in HD 720p. We are too spoiled with the modern technologies. I remember people not complaining about 320p as well once. 4k or High Definition?

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I guess it depends on what you consider to be "better". HD footage can be easier to edit and store since the file sizes aren't as large as 4K files, but that comes with cons as well. 4K footage is higher resolution, which mean the images can potentially be clearer and crisper than HD footage.

In all honesty, from a professional point of view, 4K footage is better. While HD might be sufficient given the current standard, it's probably not going to last forever. Eventually 4K will take over, and that'll give way to 8K footage, and so on. It's probably better to get a foot hold in the industry and be prepared to change with the times.

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It's because HD is the norm at present but in 2-5 years time we would see the emergence of 4K graphics into mainstream society. What is new and latest today would eventually become old and obsolete in the future.

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With higher resolution, higher pixel density, and also more information displayed, there are more possibilities to appreciate the nuances of the images. Manufacturers have been encouraged to incorporate new cutting-edge technologies designed for us to enjoy a new concept of television. I would prefer 4K, but I don't mind if a TV is in HD.

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As long as we could see the video or photo clear, I could also go with it. I also prefer 4k but at this point of time, it is expensive that's why I would go with HD that still gives me good quality of image.

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Agreed. I'm on a tight budget right now, and I wouldn't think of spending a lot of money on a TV just because it's a 4K. My current TV is HD and everything looks great anyway. Plus, technology is always advancing. Probably in the next year 12K will be the new craze.

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I agree. We often think that we should cope up with the advancement of our technology while every year there are usually new releases of much improved technology. What we can do to cope up is to save money enough for us to wait for most suitable advanced technology that we would like to buy. For now, we must stay chill and be contented with what we already have today.

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Yeah, consumerism is reaching new heights with every passing year. The other day I was reading an article that discussed the rational amount of time that should pass to buy a new phone. The investigators agreed that a person should maintain their phones for at least 3 years! This due to the fact that technology doesn't change drastically in 2-3 years, so it's a waste of money to change devices every couple of months.

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Wow, thanks for sharing such information. I haven't heard about that before and its a good thing that you mentioned it as we are planning to buy a brand new phone. It is because we want to cope up with the trend of development of mobile phones.

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4K is great but there's not much of a difference between it and high definition in my opinion. I am perfectly comfortable with most of the media that I consume being presented in high def.

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I remember an interview by an actress before where she said that high def is not favorable to her because makeup and the pores on her skin are so visible on-screen compared to before. Haha!

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I haven't really used 4K as much as others. So I have more experience using High Definition resolution. I'm just glad that the current standards look really good onscreen. You can best appreciate it if you have good eyesight.

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The primary difference at the same time as comparing full HD and 4K, is the display screen resolution 4K ultra HD is stated to be four times the pixel resolution of the regular 1080p HD set. 4K indicates the clearer image this is crisper and able to displaying greater details than full HD.

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There is no doubt that 4K is the next step after HD but for now it's not yet widely used. 4K devices are still very expensive compared to HD devices which are considered the norm at present.

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While our gadgets continuously upgrading, there's no possibility of upgrading the image quality or video . Before, when they created 3d they upgraded it with 4d which is more advance and as you look at the screen with glasses you can see as if you're with the movie. What I am trying to say here is that if they made it until 4d or 5d, when it comes to image or video quality and if we have the highest quality of 4k there's a highly chance it will still improve.

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Truly our technology advances so fast that we really need to cope up with it. I don't think HD will come to its end as equipments for such definitions requires expensive technologies that not everyone will be able to afford. That's why I think there will be people who will keep on using HD as this is what they can afford for now. People will keep on looking for the technology's advancement and we should be ready as we have to cope up with its fast pace.

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High definition forms me is the best, from the word itself HIGH it means that's the greatest.

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I think I am now satisfied with the high definition because I feel comfortable about it already, but of course I am still waiting for some new updates about it because I know that every yer we experience new updates which is really good. I am expecting a lot more as time goes by because I know that we can still improve more on what we have now.

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As I am not an expert in this matter I just did a little research. Here is an excerpt from Business Insider:

"Why 4K is misleading

"Of course, companies love the "4K" buzzword, since it sounds bigger and better than normal HD, and 2160p sounds like a bigger and more appealing number than 1080p. If a 4K TV is four times larger than a typical HD TV, it should be four times better, right?

Of course, that's not the case.

4K isn't worse than 1080p, but your eyes are physically incapable of noticing those extra pixels unless you have a fairly large TV set, and plan on sitting close to it.

This Carlton Bale article puts it into perspective: From about five feet away, you'd need something like an 84-inch TV to see the additional sharpness. With a more common 42- or 50-inch TV, you'd have to sit about two to three feet away. So, it's not going to happen, basically.

Also, the 4K effect only works when you're actually watching content that was natively shot in 4K. A 1080p program that's "upscaled" to 4K doesn't provide any more detail."

You can read the whole article here: https://www.businessinsider.com/4k-tv-hdr-whats-the-difference-2016-8#why-4k-is-misleading-2

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That’s a really useful and interesting summary! Certainly helped put the differences between the two in perspective for me.

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This is true. It however takes away the possibilities shooting in 4k offers the editor. You have so much room to do so much more. And while you might not notice those extra pixels on your TV, you get more detail than you will see in a video shot in full HD. I'll still go for 4k. The advantages that come with shooting 4k are many.

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I don't think it's time to fully transition to 4K and replace all our equipment and home appliances. There is only a little percentage of media consumers that even have 4K monitors. Plus, 4K monitors, cameras, graphics cards, etc. are still too expensive.

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I agree. HD is still serving its purposes well. Switching will only cost you more. Oh well if you have the funds for them then why not. But still, your eyes can only process as much as HD resolution. It is as if your still in HD.

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I don't think high definition reached its end. The technology is still growing and we never get satisfied of what we already have right now because we know that there are still a lot of room for improvement. This is only just the beginning. There are a lot more to look for in the future and that's for sure.

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Whenever anyone asks me this question—whether it’s about video game graphics, HD resolutions, or literally anything regarding technology—I always have the same answer, and that is that technology will never reach its end.

For years now, I’ve always told myself, “I can’t imagine how it can get any better than this,” and somehow the industry always manages to pull through with some new innovation. I get the feeling that for as long as human civilization is around and capitalism thrives, we as a species will never stop innovating.

Someone is always going to imagine the unimaginable.

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Right? It’s also crazy to look back at certain movies and such when you thought the animation was so cutting-edge and now it looks dated — even things from only 10 years ago!

Always makes me think that the next generation will look at stuff like smartphones and think they’re old relics at a certain point!

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I don't know my friend...
Some movies without special effects back from 80's seem better than those newer movies with "EXTRA ULTA HD/4K" with a lot of slow motions and special effects. Overwhelming editing on a movie just ruins it for me.

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Guess it depends on the movie - I do agree that overdoing it isn’t great, but I also think 80’s movies have that trademark grainy quality to them.

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We also have to keep in mind that it’s not as if one animation studio is doing all of the special effects for every movie in the industry. Different teams are going to churn out different levels of quality.

One of the most notorious examples of bad modern-day CGI is the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. Logan’s adamantium claws looked like they were done by someone who just watched a YouTube tutorial on how to do 3D animation.

That being said, for now, CGI graphics can’t hold a candle to practical effects. CGI looks great, and it's fantastic for some awesome eye-candy, but it's still not realistic. It’s why older movies such as the original Star Wars trilogy or Jurassic Park hold up so well to this day, because they used actual animatronics and real scenery instead of just green screening and computer animating everything.

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Had to look up his claws...yikes! They do look very unnatural!

4k or High Definition?

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I concur Denisp. Technological breakthroughs keep coming and they come fast. Things from one year ago seem so out of place already. I imagine five years from this day, we might be calling our smartphones obsolete. Like you rightly put it, "technology will never reach its end".

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I am not so familiar with the 4k graphics because most of the time I am into the high definition either when watching some videos at YouTube or on a television watching some of my favorite movies. I think that high definition are the most common and widely used nowadays since it is more [popular and convenient in my own point of view.

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Nah, I think 1080p is fine. But for movies, sure it will matter since they are displayed in massive screens. Using high resolution might also benefit the field of science since (especially medicine) most of the time they deal with tiny things and every pixel counts.

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There are still advancements in technology and as long as people are still looking for ways to improve it we will never reach the end or peak, but think of it this way. If you're always going to be waiting for the it to reach it's peak you wouldn't be able to buy your equipment. So I say buy now and upgrade later when it's convenient.

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I would always prefer the high definition because I am very satisfied with it, I really don't care even it would eat some big amount of storage in my PC as long as I am convenient in using it then I will be fine with it. Mostly the kind of technology that we have for now is only applicable to high definition since 4k is just new to the market and will really take some time before we can be convenient in using it.

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I guess high definition still at its peek these days. Everyone still use it and still popular for everyone. I agree too about the 4K, I mean even for me its still new in my ear about this or like this really work and what this can really offer to us. Right its new for everyone for now but soon its everyone's talking about.

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You are right. 4k is actually already gaining in popularity. Most of those who own cameras that are 4k capable now shoot 4k and downsize to Full HD. What you get when you do that is a better version of Full HD. You are right as well to say that 4k will soon be all people will be talking about. Although I'm sure at the time the bigger filmmakers would have migrated to 12k or higher.

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Well I guess these days high definition is still the most used resolution, but for me I'm trying to buy these monitors that can handle 4k videos in my GoPro, because it's really crispier and the details in the video or image is way better than high definition.

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I always find high definition to be worth it whenever I am watching some movies in YouTube or in my DVD player. It is a habit for me to look for high definition movies because of having some satisfaction while watching, it makes me feel relax and more motivated to watch since I am enjoying my viewing experience.

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4k is way too sophisticated for my liking, so I'll have to go with HD. Since when did we become so spoiled by the options of the technology anyways? I remember back when we had 240p and 360p quaility, and no one complained, haha.

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