
what do people look for in Web hosting

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what do people look for in Web hosting

Hello all , i am basic here to ask what would you look for in a webhosting package ?

i am new seller on seo clerks and have made a service for my webhosting and selling resellers hosting .

i offer basics or any web host , with few extras .. im happy to give a free trail to show it work and uptime etc

just failing to see why its not being bought .. i see a lot of views and people opening it etc

thanks for any replys in advance


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I've tried looking at the services that you're selling but I don't see any listed. I wanted to see how you presented the actual web hosting service because that's also a very important factor. You said that you're willing to give people a free trial and so on - make sure to put it in big bold letters and near the top. People are very fearful of new web hosting sites and they just simply prefer choosing the most popular options that they know they can 100% trust. So your main mission is establishing trust and a network of relationships.

What do people look for in web hosting? That's a very broad question because there are many different factors that people care about. Just to list you a few that I personally look for;
- uptime,
- the amount of bandwidth,
- the amount of storage,
- accessibility,
- support,
- backup.

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How about the price? I mean, some people like me, I always look at the price (cost) of the web hosting and if it fits my budget and if ever it does fit, I would then analyze that web hosting company and look for reviews that matches those that you have listed as criteria. But I know that it still depends because some hosting companies offer more expensive services but the quality are superb, so yeah there's that.

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Yeah, for me price is the number one factor I consider because some offer better value for the services they provide.

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Thanks Very Much for your opinion what do people look for in Web hosting

Much Appreciated .


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Besides all that, I also look for a service that can offer interactivity. I know, is not common to find a website that can be like a static one, but sometimes a cheaper service is based on less interaction. I love websites where users can download/upload information, or where you can do online learning, or maybe the ones that offer inner communication. I also like those services, where users can find all the products very detailed, and they even show a short demonstration of them.

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They are many things i looki for in web hosting companies, because it's already saturated, resellers have taken over the hosting space. with ridiculously cheap prices. But they things i look at for, things like
  • Unlimited hosting (Bandwidth + Storage)
  • North American phone support
  • Bonus features
  • Enhanced malware protection
  • Secure site certification
  • Malware and spam protection
  • Free domain
  • Easy site builder
  • Online store and selling tools
  • Money back guarantee

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I agree with everything you listed. That is pretty much what I would be looking for in a host as well. Not only that but also I usually go with trusted and established companies because I need to know my site is taken care of when I'm away or asleep, so I need to know my files and information will always be secure. Sadly, this may prevent a lot of people like me from going with new companies, but that is the challenge that any new company faces, I suppose.

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You have basically summed up everything that people looks for in a web hosting service. Of course, I would change the second point. I think a better point would be to say "quick customer support via several different methods". Anyone that lives outside of North America will, of course, want support in their country. And regarding the free domain, it's not exactly a necessity always but it is a nice bonus if a web hosting service offers it.

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This is an excellent point! I've purchased hosting for a variety of purposes with companies who range the gamut from excellence to utter uselessness. While a good company will offer deep statistical data about your website and its traffic, and technical support, the thing that separates the merely good from the great is turn-around time. Time is money. When you need an issue solved, it needs to be solved five minutes ago and not whenever they feel like answering the ticket. Always search for user reviews about your host that mentions their turn-around time as you will usually find good customer service is a strong indicator that the company has their other ducks in a row, as well.

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Thanks Very Much for your opinion what do people look for in Web hosting

Much Appreciated

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All these features listed here are basically what I look for in any hosting company because it's what would ensure that you get the best services that will help your website run well.

Another thing which I look out for is a hosting company that have been in business for a while. It's more likely to be more stable as there are existing customers on it already, the company is less likely to mess up.

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thank you all for your input what do people look for in Web hosting

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On top of my list is the price, but this is a good list of the essentials that's required for web hosting.

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You have just about mentioned almost everything that one looks to get from web hosting such as Unlimited hosting (Bandwidth + Storage), Malware and spam protection, Free domain, Secure site certification, Enhanced malware protection and Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service provided.

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Well, the one I'm looking for is user-friendly wherein children and oldies can explore it. Advance content and unique landing page is a must. I want it also have a traffic monitoring option where to provide traffic control to any visitor who visits the website. The most important are fast and reliable when I need an assistant, it's like 24 hours assistance.

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The first thing I do is look for a web host that has been around for a long time. Because there is no way that I am going to trust my website to a fly by night web hosting company. And then I look for reviews and last but no least I go by pricing. I want a fair price when it comes to hosting.

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I have never used web hosting service before but I would also consider a user friendly hosting service. Since I am also new, I would follow reviews from other users before considering a web hosting service. I hear people end up losing the content to their site when things go wrong especially with a new hosting service and in most cases, they forgot to backup.

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I agree with you on the need for a web hosting company to provide a traffic tracker for website owners. That is a great way to keep them monitoring how their site is improving on a daily basis.

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People are very careful when choosing their web host, to be honest. They don't like to go with new sites or unknown sites because of it being such a large commitment. People have to pay for the whole year sometimes and it's important that they find a reliable host that won't go down or lose your website. I would suggest that you build a website for your hosting service and ensure that you try and get some reviews from some of your current customers. That way you build trust with potential customers and are more likely to sell.

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Exactly, people is always trying to find something reliable. One of my best friends got a very frustrating experience with a site, where he had to pay a kind of expensive membership, and then the platform was miserable. So basically, you have to show your customers/followers that your site is to trust for. Ask your family and closest friends to check on your site, leave a very good comment about it, spread the word with more friends, so that way you can build a reputation, something that shows you are a reliable provider.

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Thanks Very Much for your opinion what do people look for in Web hosting

Much Appreciated

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thank you all for your input what do people look for in Web hosting .

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