
Remember the old way to amuse your self ( Old Skool Style )

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Remember the old way to amuse your self ( Old Skool Style )

Remember the good old day's when we used to come home from school watch the OLD good things on Television .
Members from UK will know what am talking about not sure what kind of things they have in over countries but please comment and share. Uk like I say will know what I mean when I mention times like Citv . Sooty , Fun House sunday nights bulls eye , wonder years all these on British television and how times changed . Nowadays kids come home from school drop there coats on the floor and bag and say "Dad am off on Xbox " Or sometimes in bag on floor with coat and hear running up stairs .. Am like "Oh hello dad , good day dad " Nah computer comes first choice lol.
None of that when we was young No wireless controllers for us oh no we had to deal with things like this for boredom :
Remember the old way to amuse your self ( Old Skool Style )?Remember the old way to amuse your self ( Old Skool Style )

Oh no lol funny enough something like this kept us amused for hours or till the batteries went . So look at them what kept us happy compared to the kids today who have Xbox , Ps4 and so on.. Don't get me wrong I love my kids and am happy for them to play games as long as they do there homework and spend time with me and have meals at meal times .

What old tv did you watch or old games..


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Remember when people used to play around on Paint when their Internet went down or they were bored? Those times have gone unfortunately and it's quite, to be honest. I remember spending ages on Paint when our internet went down because it was just so much fun. I'm glad I grew up in the late 90s because I was able to enjoy a lot of good things before they became unpopular.

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I used to do this too and it really was my first introduction to digital designing and now it's my job. I never really thought about it that much but now that you've brought it up and I'm reminded of it, I am very thankful that the program was included in Windows for free because having experience in Paint made it very easy for me to transition onto more complex programs afterwards.

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That is such a good thing to hear and I'm glad that you got into graphic design. I'm sure that a lot of people, like you, are also grateful for Paint because it was such a good program. It allowed us to be creative when we were small and to develop our skills. I'm sure that like you a lot of people would have gone down the graphic designer path because of Paint.

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I used to make kaleidoscopic images in MSPaint out of photos I found online that had distinct shapes and contrasting colors. All you had to do was select a slice of the photo with those elements in it, and copy-paste. Take the pasted bit and flip the image, then situate it against the original. You can do this horizontally and vertically a successive number of times to create something visually appealing. I would even take random sections of a finished image and start the process all over again with it, ending up with very complex shapes inside.

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I totally remember playing with Paint for the first time when I tried out a computer with Windows '98. I thought it was absolutely revolutionary and amazing that you could draw things on your computer.

Funnily enough, your comment made realize this was basically my first experience with digital painting. I essentially do the same thing today in only a more advanced format. Instead of doodling in Paint, I do digital paintings in Photoshop. And instead of drawing with a mouse, I now have a drawing tablet.

Never thought of it this way until now, and that's pretty funny.

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When I was young, I rarely pay attention in computer games and computers in general. Though we have access to it, always choose the outdoor activities such as swimming, biking and playing games. When I got into high school, I appreciated playing computers and got hooked into a lot of computer games and gadgets.

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I also rarely payed attention to computer games as a kid. I used to play games on my father's phone or go out and play with other kids. I guess that is why I get addicted to computer games and the games on my phone nowadays.

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I guess the accessibility of computers and apps now a days really takes a toll in the millennials of today. I do love playing with computer games an phone apps but as I see it having something active to do, rather sticking on to gadgets for the whole day is better to keep the body and mind well balanced.

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I find the internet and smartphones to be addictive. They can literally take your life away from you. I reached a point where I was telling myself that I need to feel the real life because I could not stop playing games or chatting for a single day. So I started going out and accepting my friends invitations so I can stop being addicted to the internet.

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I agree that outdoor activities and socializing are the best things to revive in the daily activity or routine for the millennials of today.

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I kind of relate to your comments maybe because you commented like a person not born in the twentieth century, lol. I didn't get to play with computers nor video games back then, it wasn't because I was restricted but because I technology was not developed back then.

The only things I did back then as a kid was go to school, eat then take the afternoon naps, when am awake I go do my assignments for the day then read till is 3. When is exactly for I go to the TV to wait for the television transmission to come up, after watching till a particular time then it is time for supper then after that straight to bed. Back then we only had intelligent games like the abacus, we weren't even allowed to touch anybody's phone because it was considered sacred, but now all we see are kids and people getting too into the whole gadgets and internet thing same with adults who can't keep their gadgets aside or parents who protect the gadgets more than they do for their kids.

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My TV is comparable my children's video games. I enjoyed watching television so much when I was a kid. I did come home from school to watch certain programs regularly. The Mickey Mouse Club. Leave It to Beaver. And many many more! My TV addiction was not much different from my kids and their video games. My mom used to have to get me “unglued” from the TV set.

TV was the technology of my day. Video games and computers are the technology for kids today.

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Agree, we had more outdoor activities than video/computer time. My sister and I, did have an Atari, and we blew that thing off by playing on it, but we always rather spend time outside with our friends. We did all kind of bike rides, group activities, hide and seek, going on top of trees and everything. We also loved to watch TV, we used to watch He-man, She-ra, Mazinger, and local tv shows for kids during the 80's.

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I experienced this too, followed by spending time on solitaire or pinball when those came out on the PC.

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I used to do this too. Unfortunately, we don't have internet wheb I was younger. We only have pc and some educational software, so I ended up doing stuffs in our computer.

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I will gladly share mine. I remember myself playing Super Mario on our Family Computer. It's famous in our country that time so playing it is like tending to our community. I can't forget the feeling of excitement when I am off from school because all I'm thinking is the Super Mario and how to save the princess. Imagine while walking on the street I keep thinking strategies and technique how to beat the big boss haha. Super Mario also our way of bonding with my family and friends. This old game is memorable for me because it's not only games but a souvenir to my past.
Remember the old way to amuse your self ( Old Skool Style )

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I have played this before. This happened way back when I was still a small child. I have lost this device sadly. Perhaps my mother threw it away without me knowing.

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Hey, I have one of those when I was young. I really enjoyed playing lots of games such as Mario, Islander, Galaga and Galaxian.

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I had one, too. Then it broke. So what I did, I play outside the house which is a nearby computer shop and will just deposit coins to play it.

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Yes, times have certainly changed, a lot and fast. When I was a kid I didn't particularly play any kind of video games simply because we just didn't them available much. I think my brother had one of the original Gameboy handhelds, but he definitely did not share with his little sister. For the most part, when I got home from school I watched just a couple favorite cartoons, then I'd start my homework. I was one of those kids who loved school, so homework was generally fun for me. After homework, if it was still light outside and not dinner time yet, I'd actually go outside to play. I feel that not enough kids do that these days, they instead are glued to TV, computer, or game console screens.

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Yes, I have to agree on your point. Nowadays, young children have access to a smartphone at a young age. They tend to just stay glued to their phone screens wherever they go. This is definitely unhealthy and the usage should be moderated by their parents.

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I remember having a ton of action figures of all kinds, and I would play with them for hours after school, setting up epic battles. On one side would be dinosaurs, G.I. Joes, Micronauts, and Super Heroes, and on the other side of the carpet would be monsters, the undead, Dungeons and Dragon figures, and He-Man characters. I would have them battle down to the last two left, the ultimate battle of good and evil. Did you ever play with action figures as well?

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I remember going out and playing with my cousins because they lived extremely close to my house. I don't think anyone even bothers to go and play outside anymore which is sad really. But I guess it's good because the world has become a lot more dangerous with all these paedophiles and kidnappers. I remember watching my favourite television shows after coming home from school, all my little sister does now is come home and go straight to YouTube.

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I remember the good old days when I and my neighborhood friends would campout in our garden. We would create a bonfire and roast marshmallows and hotdogs and just eat out, everyone brought his own lunch box filled with food. We spent hours talking and joking around until past midnight.

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I loved my Gamebot handheld, and I still have it; although, my girlfriend's son has pretty much inherited it. It has a memory card with about 50 games on it, but I usually just played TETRIS on it, when I was younger, and I did so obsessively and religiously. I was obsessed with TETRIS there for a while, even to the point where I worried myself. In any case, this little handheld has now been spreading joy for years and years, and it works just fine and keeps getting handed down, apparently, through the generations.

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Lol,.Thank God i grew up in the time of video games, when game boy and Nintendo was the talk of the town, i would have killed for a Nintendo back then, and i was always disturbing my Dad for a Nintendo , till he got me one.
And the funny part is after some few weeks and months, i later got tired of and sold it to my friend, and bought computer game Cd’s and then my journey of the PC gamers evolution began, i was among the night crawlers because i will stay up at night, romancing my pads.

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As much as I loved playing games back then, there was a particular thing which I love doing more than anything else in the name of having fun, and it's watching cartoons. I couldn't get enough of watching cartoons back then that I can literally watch cartoons all day without leaving the house.

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I had a lot of old school toys I got to try out because my uncles took very good care of their electronics, so I did get to play with these Tiger electronic games as well as the Nintendo Game and Watch ones. I spent so much time playing with them and also Tetris. Nowadays I just play games on my tablet which I suppose is the current version of these gadgets, but I will always have a soft spot for these low tech games.

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During my childhood days, I used to play game boys and those portable handheld game player thing. I remember also the water screen wherein you fit the rings while pressing some buttons via air. Lol. Good stuff. But what got me more addicted was the play stations and arcade stations. I would always save some pennies just to play play station and arcades whenever we visit the mall.

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Just like you, I enjoyed playing Gameboy as well and some other games like contra and Mario. But my favorite source of leisure was watching cartoon network with Tom and Jerry my favorite. I would watch till I fall asleep and still wake up watching again.

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I remember coming home and killing time on an old Atari 5200. We had Pac Man, Space Invaders, Defender, Donkey Kong, Galaga, you name it, and my sister and I, along with the neighbors or school mates at times, would kill countless hours playing these old games. I do still wish I had this old console and the games we once had, but I honestly have no idea whatever happened to it, and I sort of outgrew the experience. I remember getting in trouble when my mom got home from work and I had not yet finished my homework because I was too busy playing Atari. Oh, the good ol' days.

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Way back in the day I had this rocket pinball game made by tigerdirect and all it was is a bunch of tiny lights. There were times I played that thing for 8hrs straight LOL. And believe it or not there was a end to the game after you go to a million point the screen flashed and it made some cheesy noise LOL.

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Growing up I had a long list of things I enjoyed and had fun with. Sometimes in church because as a child - I found it unbearably boring.

Handheld games
Magic 8 ball
rubber balls
action figures

That's just the short list.

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I like game boys too. It's such a nifty gadget. It's advanced yet old school at the same time. Especially, when compared to what we have right now. Takes me back to my youth.

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When I was a teen I would spend my money going to the movies or renting a lot of video tapes for my vcr. Sometimes, I'll go with friends to play video games in arcades. They where really popular during those days.

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When I was young, I didn't have a game console to play with, we spend after school biking. I and my neighborhood friends all had BMX bikes back then and we would spend the afternoons biking specially during weekends. We also go to a neighborhood arcade to hangout and eat some snacks and sometimes play.

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That was a nice way to amuse yourself. I only have Nintendo when I was young and instead of playing it I always choose to hang out with my friends. We made a lot of memories because of it and I am thankful about it. They are the one who taught me to ride in a bike and I always have bruises every time I'm going home.

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