In this gig i will make e-currency exchange Website for your business. Members can exchange their dollar from your website. They can exchange d o l l a r between pm, p a y e e r, btc, p a y p a l, local currencies and many more ways
Great Exchanger Script is a powerful integrated currency management, automatic exchanger & complete admin system. It provides everything you need to manage your clients and orders. Packed with features while remaining easy to use,
Semi-automatic process: P a y P a l, S k r i ll, W e b M o n e y, P a y e e r, Perfect M o n e y, A d v C a s h, OK P a y, SolidTrust P a y, P a y z a, E n t r o m o n e y, Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin
Manually process: N e t e l l e r, UQUID, B a n k Transfer, W e s t e r n Union and M o n e y g r a m